Chapter Six

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"Hotch!" I called across the room.

Hotch walked to towards me, followed by Prentiss, "Garcia just sent the video?"

"Reid! Rossi! You guys should see this." I said as they walked into the room.

I played the video. A morphed voice came through the speaker,

"We have Sarah Moore. This is the last time you will see her. Unless you can find us which wont happen, this us her last goodbye."

The video ended, and Hotch looked at me. "He's a psychopath."

"I know." I said solemnly.

"Reid, form a profile on the morphed voice." Hotch said.

"Sir, it's morphed, I can use Garcia's analyzation, but I'll need her help. All I'll be able to get us an age range, maybe some other variables that will help with the total profile. But it wont be as informative without facial aspect."

"Do what you can. Morgan can help you when he gets here in the morning."

I looked at Reid. "I'll help him for now." I told Hotch.

"No, we need to inform the family."

I nodded and walked to the conference room where Sarah's family was waiting.

"Have you found our daughter?" Sarah's father said as we walked in.

"No sir, but we received a video. Sarah is alive, but her captor doesn't sound like they are letting her go voluntarily."

"Who would want to hurt Sarah?' I asked.

"No one! Everyone loves her!" her mother exclaimed.

I spun around at the sound of the door opening. It was Reid.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need you guys out here, pronto."

"I'm sorry, we need to go. I'll come explain everything later."

I walked out of the room with Hotch. "Reid what's going on?"I asked.

"There was a voice in the video that wasn't morphed. It sounds like a woman, I'm guessing early to mid twenties. I'll know more when Garcia can run it through one of her systems." He explained.

"That was fast." Rossi said.

"The abduction was too violent, a woman would have cleaned up. She didn't do this alone." Prentiss said.

"Tomorrow, Reid, and JJ go to the school. Talk to Sarah's friends. Prentiss, and I will stay here and work on the profile until Morgan and Garcia get here." Hotch ordered.

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