Chapter Ten

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Sarah watched as Jacob paced the room, "How did they know?" He screamed at her.

"I don't know!" Sarah was scared. 

The FBI visited her school today. She didn't know if it was Morgan, but she was hopeful.

"The man took up for me! He was so nice! How could he be nice to me?"Jacob screamed.

"Please, please, just let me call my parents. They're probably worried sick." Sarah said.

"You wish."

Sarah leaned her head against the wall, she had to stay awake.

"Jacob, you didn't need to do this."

His head snapped up at the sound of knocking on the door. "If you say one more word I will kill you."

He jumped up and ran up the stairs. When he opened the door, the man from his school was there along with the woman that was with him.

"Hey Jacob, can we come inside?" Reid asked.

"N-no. My mom is sleeping."

"Well, can you come out here and talk to us?" He asked.

"S-sure." He stuttered.
Jacob slid outside and shut the door.

"We thought it would be better to talk to you alone with out all of the other kids." JJ said.

"Look, I-I don't know anything about Sarah. I love her, but I don't know where she is."

"Have you talked to her recently?" Reid asked.

"Look, I'm sorry, I need to go back in there my mom will get mad."

"Okay, thanks for talking to us!" JJ called as he shut the door behind him.

"I think he's our guy." Reid said solemnly.

"Well, Morgan and Garcia are here. Morgan can run a profile for the stalking side of Jacob and Garcia can run medical records on the mother."JJ said.

Jacob watched as they walked to their SUV. That was close. He hoped the stutter hadn't given him away. He rushed down the the basement.

"Sarah?" He called.

"Please, not again." She begged.

"I need to calm down, but obviously you need to be asleep." He dug around in the drawers and grabbed a needle. He slowly sucked a clear liquid into the syringe. "This should knock you out for awhile."

"When I get my hands on you..." She began. She could feel herself losing her mind.

"Shh, this wont hurt too bad." Jacob pulled her arm outwards and she jerked it back. "Don't be difficult." He scolded.

She saw her opportunity and took it. 

"You wont kill me."

Jacobstopped dead. "What?"

"You can't kill me." She said defiantly.

"I can't?" He looked her in the eyes.

"You don't have it in you." She held his gaze.

Jacob stood up and paced the room. "Bitch." He scoffed.

"I've been called worse." She shrugged.

He stormed out of the room.

She had to be strong, no tears.

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