Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm not getting any farther." I said, walking into Observation. "The minute I mentioned Sarah's brother, he shut down."

"We have more than enough evidence to nail him." Hotch said. "You can go back to the hospital. I know you're itching to get back over there."

"Thanks." I said walking out. I made my way through the parking lot, when someone caught my my attention.

"Agent Morgan! Agent Morgan!"

I turned around to see Sarah's mother hurrying towards me.

"The doctor said that Sarah could come home soon. We want to have a celebration. We felt it was appropriate for you and your team to come, without ya'll, she wouldn't be alive."

"Ma'am thats really not necessary."

"Please, it was Sarah's idea. She said, quote, 'Mom, if he says no, tell him that I will walk on my shot up leg all the way to his hotel, and drag him there myself.' unquote."

"Well, we wouldn't want that." I said smiling. "I'll talk to Agent Hotchner, and if he approves, I would love to attend."

"Oh please! We want your whole team. It would only be for a few hours,and it would mean a lot to Sarah."

"I understand ma'am. I'm sure Agent Hotchner will be fine with it."

"Thank you!" Sarah's mother said walking towards her car.

 I drove quickly to the hospital. Sarah was no longer in the ICU, so I asked the secretary.

"Sarah Moore is in room 389. She is making the fastest recovery we have ever seen, might I add."

"She's a fighter." I assured her.

I made my way to the elevator and it worked it's way up to the third floor.

Sarah greeted me with a smile. Her room was full of flowers and balloons.

"Hey there, stranger." She said with a grin. "So, when are you going to tell Garcia about you know..." She wasn't wasting any time.

"Sarah, it's not that simple."

"Yes it is! You tell her that you love her! That's the truth isn't it?"

"Yes but..."

"But what Derek? You can't shove your feelings away. It doesn't work like that."

"She might move." I blurted. "Her boyfriend got a job offer. He doesn't know that she knows, but-"

"Queen P knows all." She finished.

I smiled, "Yeah."

"She's my light, Sarah. When the Replicator was after us, I didn't think about how he got all of the pictures of me. I was killing myself over the fact that he had pictures of her. She wasn't even in the field, ever."

"Derek, that proves it. You love her. Now it's just a matter of telling her."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

She stiffened. Her eyes glazed over, and just as fast as it happened, she was back.

"The doctors say I can come home soon." She said, acting like nothinghappened.

"You are going to tell me exactly what just happened. If you lie, I'll know and I will not come to your party, celebration, thing."

"Derek! You can't do that!" She whined.

"I most certainly can."

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Sarah, you have to talk about it eventually."

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