Chapter Eleven

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I had been driving for about ten minutes. We had eaten a silent breakfast, and I knew if I didn't say anything soon, I wouldn't say anything at all.


"Yeah?" She turned to face me.

"I'm so, so, sorry about last night. It was disrespectful to you and Sam. I really hope we can forget about it." I pleaded.

"Derek, I haven't been completely honest. Sam got a job offer, I'm not supposed to know but..."

"But Queen P knows all." I said nodding.

She smiled, "It's in California, Derek. He's going to ask me to move with him." She sat straight and I thought about it.

"Last time I checked, Sam was a great guy. Maybe-" I sighed. I didn't want to encourage her leaving, but if that's what she wanted, than I'd pretend to be happy for her. "Penelope, you should wait for him to tell you himself. He might not even want the job." I explained.

"You're right." She said rubbing my arm. "Thank you."

"Anything for my Baby Girl." I said kissing her hand.

I drove for the next four hours. We were met by Reid as we walked into the station.

"We need you to run the voice on the video." He said, grabbing one of Garcia's bags.

"Okay! Okay!" She said giving me a 'I better hurry or I'll get yelled at' look. I smiled, she was brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

I walked over to Hotch, "Update?" I asked.

"Well,the unsub doesn't want a ransom. He wants Sarah, Reid thinks he's in love with her. I honestly haven't seen anyone like this before."He told me.

"If he loves her, could he be her age and be working with a woman counterpart?" I asked.

Hotch's head snapped up. "That's it! Reid! Reid! Come over here!"

Reid hustled over to the murder board. "Where's the fire?" He asked.

"What if the unsub is Sarah's age and he's working with a woman?"Hotch asked.

"That would be interesting. It would have to be a strong bond, mother and son, or brother and sister."

"What was that kids name that you talked to?" Hotch questioned.

Reid's eyes widened. "Jacob." He whispered. He turned to Garcia, "Find everything on Jacob Marks." He demanded.

I watched as Garcia furiously typed for the information. "He was born in 2002, his mother died of cancer when he was six, his dad was abusive. Jacob has been to the hospital multiple times because of it. DSS investigated, the father is spending fifteen in Greenville County Jail. Jacob moved in with his twenty year old sister Kerrington Marks, that's also where his school information has his main address."

"She could be the counterpart, she could blame herself for his abuse and she is making up for it now." I said. "Where does the sister work, Garcia?" I asked.

"She works part time at a restaurant, called Dalton's Deli. Address is sent to your phones."

"Thanks."I said as Hotch, JJ and I ran to an SUV. Prentiss, Rossi, and Reid stayed back to help with the voice modification.

I hopped in the passenger's seat and looked behind me at JJ.

"This girl will be defensive, but when we start talking about Sarah, she'll break down. You ready?" I asked.

She nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be."

Hotch drove ten minutes to the restaurant. We walked out of the heat and into a warm, cozy restaurant.

"I'll be with you in a second." A man said walking out of the back.

"Hi,can we speak to Kerrie Marks? She works here, yes?" JJ asked, politely.

"Yeah, one second." The man walked back into the kitchen. A few seconds later a young woman with dark brown hair walked towards us.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"We need to talk to you about your brother." JJ said. "Can we sit down?"

Kerrie nodded. I took a seat next to JJ and Hotch stood behind Kerrie.

"Is your brother troubled?" JJ asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kerrie asked defensively.

"Nothing,I'm sorry. It's just, we are investing Sarah Moore's abduction. We thought you would know something." She said.

"Sarah, we know after your father went to jail, Jacob was different." I said. "Was he randomly violent? Was he hurting himself?" I asked quietly.

"No, he was okay, I guess." She said.

"Was?" I asked.

She looked up, tears welled up in her eyes. "He has her." She whispered. "I helped. I'm so sorry." She trembled in her seat. JJ reached over and took her hand.

"Where?" She asked.

"My basement, I blamed myself. I helped him get her. H-he wont give her up willingly, you'll have to catch him off guard." She said. She began sobbing.

"Kerrie, do we have permission to enter your house without you present?"Hotch asked formally.

"Yes." She sobbed.

"Kerrie Marks, you are under arrest for the abduction of Sarah Moore." Hotch said as JJ and I stood up.

We walked Kerrie to the SUV and drove her to the station. I walked in and called a SWAT team. I grabbed two vests, one for me and one for Reid. As I walked to the SUV, I handed it to him. He looked at me and nodded. I guess he was surprised he was in on the takedown. He would have to adjust.

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