Chapter Four

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Kerrie walked in a few minutes later, she had a sandwich and a water bottle.

Sarah's mouth watered at the first sight of food. How long had she been here? "Can you untie me for a few minutes? Please?"

Kerrie looked around, "Alright, just a few minutes."

As she untied the rope, Sarah rotated her wrists as the blood flowed back into her hands. "Damn ropes, they cut off my circulation."

"I'm sorry, those are the rules. Hurry up and eat, I have to take a video."

"Video? Why?" Sarah's curiosity spiked.

"To show the cops that you're alive."

AfterSarah devoured the sandwich, Kerrie pulled out her phone. She placed a newspaper in Sarah's hands.

Jacob walked into the room, "Go ahead."

Kerrie pressed the play button, "Attention Easley Police Department,"Jacob began, "I have Sarah Moore, this is the last time you will see her. Unless you can find us, which wont happen. This is her last goodbye."

Sarah stared dead into the camera, she began whispering, "Call Agent Derek Morgan. Call Agent Derek Morgan." She repeated it until Jacob ended the video.

She trusted that Garcia could get something out of the video. She almost smiled when she thought Garcia.

One day after training, Sarah was packing up her equipment when a woman walked in wearing the cutest dress, Sarah began talking to her and found out that she was friends with Morgan. She had actually brought him lunch. When Morgan walked out of the locker room, his face lit up like a lightbulb. Right then Sarah knew, she could see it when he brushed her arm or glanced over when she wasn't looking, he loved her. They were adorable. 

Sarah's memory didn't last forever. She began to file her nails again.

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