Chapter Twenty One

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I thought I would never get packed up, but it actually went pretty fast. I had everything ready to go by 10:30. That was some kind of record.

I woke up to my phone alarm buzzing on the nightstand. Six a.m. was just too early.

I stood up and changed into some 'travel clothes'. A pair of sweat pantsand a t-shirt.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, and added a headband that matched my shirt. I had to wear at least one accessory. I chose a pair of earrings and lugged my bags down to the lobby. Hotch, JJ, Prentiss, and Reid were already down there.

"I'll take Garcia, JJ, and Prentiss." Hotch said. "Reid, you can ride with Rossi and Morgan."

He nodded and sat down with a book that read, The Mathematical Theory of Daniel Witacher.

I watched Morgan step out of the elevator just as we were walking out of the hotel. I rolled my bags to the SUV that would take us to the airport. I hauled my first bag up into the car. Before I could turn around and pick up my second one, Morgan grabbed it and carefully placed it in the car. He walked around and opened my door.

"See you on the plane." He whispered.

"Yeah." I said.

He walked back towards the hotel to wait on Rossi. I climbed into the car and watched him walk the rest of the way. He had walked all the way across the parking lot just to help me with my bags. He didn't even realize how nice that was.

The ride to the airport didn't take long. I spent most of it thinking about the fact that I had never opened the door for myself unless Morgan wasn't around. We got through security quickly and boarded the jet as Morgan, Reid, and Rossi got out of security.

The captain came over the speaker. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, our flight should go smoothly. Expected arrival time is 1 o'clock. Feel free to move about the plane when we reach about 20,000 feet. If there are any complications I will inform you."

I took a deep breath and put my headphones on. I sat on the couch thing and pulled my laptop onto the blanket that I had spread over me. I began organizing files that Hotch sent me, to be forwarded to the Director and Cruz, and a whole bunch of other important people that really weren't all that important.

After two hours of arranging and rearranging, I took off my headphones and looked around.

JJ was looking over a different case file, Hotch was still e-mailing me files, Reid was reading his Math book, Prentiss was staring out a window, and Rossi was asleep. When my eyes traveled across the isle to Morgan, he was looking at me. Then, he quickly looked away.  Ifrowned, how long had he been watching me? I wasn't upset, it was thrilling, he had always been a 'fantasy' of mine. It was silly, and I was sure it wouldn't pan out. I was somewhat confused about my feelings for him.

I loved Sam, but if he couldn't understand the fact that I didn't want to get married or move, then I would have to end it. We couldn't have a relationship if he wasn't content with it. A buzz from my pocket tore me away from my thoughts.

It was a text, from Sam, great. 'I have some good news! When are you guys getting back?' I took a deep breath, I had known this text would be coming soon. '1 o'clock. What's the good news?' I responded.

I moved my laptop over and stood up. Morgan looked at me with concern. I walked to the bathroom and fixed my bun.

My phone buzzed. I had a bobby pin hanging from my mouth. 'It's a surprise! Can't wait to see you!' It made me want to puke, he was so sweet. I felt bad about ending things. You may not have to. I reminded myself.

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