Chapter Fifteen

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My phone beeped in my pocket.

"It's from Reid. They got him, he was in the woods." I told Garcia.

"That's great!" Garcia said.

A doctor walked in from the surgery area.

"Sarah Moore?"

Garcia and I stood up.

"How is she?" I asked.

He sighed, "She's out of surgery. The human body holds about six liters of blood. Sarah is only a teenager so she had about five when she came in." He looked at us. "I don't know how, but her heart rate and breathing were steady throughout the entire process.   By the end of the surgery, she lost over fifty percent of her blood. No one has ever survived without at least forty. It's a miracle she survived the first ten minutes. She wont be awake until the morning, we're pumping as much blood and oxygen into her as we can. Honestly, I would go home and get some sleep, there's nothing you can do here."

Ilooked at Garcia, "Hotch has two rooms for us at the hotel. I'lldrop you off, then head back to the station."

"Noway. I'm going to the hotel and you're coming with me. You've beenrunning hard on like, five hours of sleep for two days."

"Garcia,I need to talk to Hotch." I told her.

"Andhe will be there tomorrow. Come on, I'm driving." She stood upand took my hand.

"Ohno way, I'm certainly not letting you drive." I teased.

Idrove to the hotel and checked us in. Garcia was right, I was beat.The minute I laid down on my bed, I fell asleep. It was only 8:30 butI didn't care, I needed all the sleep that I could get.


Jacobsat restlessly in the interrogation room. He knew there was nogetting out now. His entire life was going down the drain.

Dr.Reid walked into the room.

"Jacob,I could have helped you, but you ran. So now, I am going to adviseyou of your rights. Anything you say or do may be held against you inthe court of law. You have the right to an attorney before speakingto the police, and also to have an attorney present duringquestioning now, or in the future. If you can not afford an attorney,if you wish, one will be appointed to you." It was so textbookReid almost threw up. He looked at this boy and saw no one buthimself. But, it wasn't him, as long as he could keep that in mind,he could pretend he was okay

"Idon't want a lawyer. Why are you here?" Jacob asked.

"Becauseyou remind me of myself when I was a kid." Reid said, honestly.

"Right,a future FBI agent kidnapped someone, tortured her, and raped her."Jacob snapped.

"No.You remind me because, I was smart. I got picked on, and I gotrejected over, and over, and over again."

Jacobclenched his fists.

"Youhave no idea what it's like to be me."

"Iknow exactly what it's like. I know what it's like to have your ownmother completely out of it for your entire childhood. I know whatit's like to not grow up with a dad. I know what it's like to bepicked on by everyone in your school. But, I don't know what it'slike to take all of your anger out on a completely innocent person."Reid raised his voice.

"Youthink that bitch was innocent?"

"Watchyour mouth!" Reid yelled. He became very aware that he soundedlike Morgan.

"Doyou know what she told her friends? She said that I was gay, and thatI would end up playing video games my entire life!" Jacobyelled.

"Didyou hear that straight from her mouth?" Reid asked.

Shockregistered on Jacob's face, "No, her ex-boyfriend told me."

"Doesthat sound like something she would say?" Reid asked.

"No,but...I knew she picked on other..." Jacob trailed off.

Afew seconds passed.

"Whatare you thinking about?" Reid asked.

"Shewas innocent." Jacob said.

Reidstood up. "I know. You tried to kill an innocent person. Youhave to live with that."

"She'salive?" Jacob asked hopefully.

"Idon't know." Reid looked at his watch, "It's eight a.m. Ihaven't gotten any news." Reid confided.

"Tellher I'm sorry." Jacob said. "If she's alive.

"Youneed to tell her yourself." Reid said.

Hewalked out of the room and into Observation.

Hotchwas standing with his arms crossed.

"Youwere supposed to wait on Morgan." He scolded.

"Morganwill be at the hospital all day." Reid said. "You know it'strue."

Hesighed, "Can you get a confession on paper?"

"Eventually."Reid was confident in his abilities.

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