Chapter Nineteen

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Derek had been really strange for the past few days, I assumed because of Sarah. When he mentioned me moving, it made my heart break. I wanted to hold him close and tell him that I would never leave him.

The minute he told me that he didn't really love Savannah caught me off guard. I had supported that relationship, I didn't like it, but I supported Morgan through everything.

It was almost an accident when I said that I loved him. It was the truth, to what extent, I didn't know. Did I love him just as my best friend? I asked myself. My brain said yes, and that I loved Sam. But my heart, said no, it was more than friends. I didn't know what to do. I really just needed some sleep, hopefully everything would make more sense in the morning.

I slept soundly, better than usual. No dreams, thank God. I probably would have dreamed about Morgan, or moving to LA. Two things I didn't want to think about at the moment.

I headed to the police station with Prentiss. I had to pack up all of my computers.

"Are you going to tell anyone?" She asked, pulling out of the hotel parking lot.

"Tell anyone what?" I asked.

"About moving to LA, or getting married." She said.

"H-how do you know about that?" I stuttered. Had Morgan said something to her?

"Please, Sam already talked to me about it. He needed my opinion on how to propose. I knew you found out, but I wasn't going to tell him that."

"H-he talked to you about it?" I said, shocked. "Is that why you've been so quiet over the past few days?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes. Who else was he going to ask? Morgan? Morgan would have shot him."

"No he wouldn't have." I said.

"Garcia, I know you're not a profiler, but come on! Do you not see the way he looks at you? The way he talks?"

"Where are you going with this?" I asked, itching to hurry up and get to the police station.

"Penelope, he loves you." She said.

"No, not like that!" I exclaimed.

She laughed. "Are you really that blind?"


"Well, if you want to keep your job, you should be more observant." She teased.

I leaned my head back. "Who else knows that know?"

"Hotch and JJ, Rossi's been on to you guys from the start, I don't know about Reid. He doesn't usually pick up on stuff like that."

I covered my face. "I just want to go home." I groaned.

"Home to Sam?" She asked.

I groaned louder. "Why is my life so freakin' complicated?" I growled.

She sighed, "Karma's a bitch."

I looked at her with wide eyes.

She exploded in laughter. I looked at her and began laughing too. Pretty soon, both if us were in tears from laughing so hard. For a moment, all thoughts of Sam,  LA, or Morgan, were gone. I was just enjoying being with my friend.

We pulled up to the station and I slowly pulled my bags from the back of the SUV. I lugged them into the conference room. Reid looked up at  me, he was packing up the case files.

"Good morning." He said.

"Good morning." I sighed.

"Everything okay?"

"Yup, everything is perfect." I lied, it was weak. He noticed immediately.

He raised his eyebrows but didn't push it.

"What are we supposed to wear to the party?" JJ asked, walking into the conference room.

"Super casual." I responded.

"Do you even own casual?" Reid asked.

"Yes!" I laughed, "You're actually not the first person to ask me that." I told him.

"Morgan?" He asked.

I faked a laugh, "Yeah."

"Garcia-" he started.

"Reid, I don't want to talk about it."

"Garcia, even I picked up on it." He whispered. "It's pretty obvious."

"Shut up!" I said, walking out of the room.

Why couldn't people just mind their own business? But, Reid? It must be brutally obvious for him to see it. As I walked out of the precinct, Morgan and Hotch pulled up.

"Here let me help you with that." Morgan said reaching for a bag.

"I got it." I said, brushing him off.

I really couldn't handle his strong arms, or his warm smile, but oh, those big brown eyes were captivating. I was getting carried away... in short, I couldn't handle him being so sweet, while I was being so bitter.

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