The stolen necklace

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There was loud murmuring as Suzy stepped out, Sarah blinked in surprise, she had totally forgotten that Suzy was here with her. Well she had to blame that to her members failure.

Without a word of argument she handed a skate to her gently.
Suzy put on the shoe ignoring the stares from the crowdof students.

With graceful movements she slides forward to get balance. She started a powerful ballet flip as the music started slowly.

Jadine and Jasper watched enthralled. One was full of wonder while the other one looked on in doubt.

(Jasper's POV)
I never knew she was an ice ballet dancer, she was very good and balanced like she'd been doing it all her life. I watched on enchanted by her.

( Jadine's POV)

I watched the Asian freak do the ice dancing, I thought it was a joke when she started that she'd fall or something, but as time passed and she was still dancing with that graceful movement of hers, it looked like I was seeing a star from star Trek. I had to admit that she was very good.
Atleast the Asian freak was good at something.
The song went from slow to fast, she increased her tempo going as fast as the song.
Then she did the flip, eight flips on the air before her skate touched the floor.

The crowd gasped.
The song ended.

"Woah." Everyone exclaimed again and started clapping.

" Oh my God! ," Sarah squealed and hugged her in excitement.

The other team members rounded Suzy up congratulating and hugging her.

" This is so wonderful Suzy ,you made it to
The team."

"And who are you to make that decision without consulting us first? ," Debbie and her friends butted in.

The team parted for them to walk through, everyone suddenly quiet.

"I'm outta here." Jadine said to his gang and they all left except Jasper.

" You're not coming?," Jadine asked.

"No , my sister is here, I've got to make sure no one lays a hand on her."

Jadine nodded and left with the others.

"And who would that be? ," Sarah threw back.

"Oh ho hi! , That's ridiculous Sarah."

"Yeah well, maybe, but the last thing I remembered, I'm the leader around here. The one that gives order around here, what do you have to say to that?," Sarah asked in a fierce whisper standing abreast with her.

Debbie wrinkled her nose, then straightened it.

"Oh nothing." She replied calmly.

" Good, so find the nearest place to put that ass of yours else you will be needing stitches the next minute."  She whispered to Debbie's hearing only.

Debbie shuddered, with that Sarah turned back and walked back to the rest of the team.

" Now apart from those standing aside, " she drawled emphatically.

" Is there anyone who is against Suzy joining us, that person is free to leave,no grudges,no reproach from me , I promise." She said looking around

No one left or said anything.

" Good. So this number are with me?,"

"Yeah," they chorused.

" Good enough for me."

Debbie stood aside with her four three friends.

Eileen, Fiona, and Dolby.

"Where's rose?,"Debbie asked noticing her absence.

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