we are not a couple

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They began the tour,they started out with Cuba woods.
Everyone hitching their camping bag, each couple had been given a tabloid tent,a single tent with two rooms,there were only thirty of them on the tour,approximately fifteen couples.
They walked in twos,Mr Collins and miss Florence led the way.
They were all chatting and talking, some guys even volunteered to carry the bags of their partners.

But reverse was the case of suzy and Jadine, both of them walked in awkward silence.

It made Jadine uncomfortable.


Can't you even talk to someone?, "Jadine asked

Suzy totally ignored him.

" hey I am talking to you."

Suzy snubbed him totally she had determined never to talk to him it was safer that way.

"Look Suzy or whatever you call yourself, I'm hungry."

Suzy halted,she remembered, that she had put his snack in the tuck in pocket in the bus and had forgotten it,instead of feeling sympathy like she was supposed to, she felt indignation instead.

"Hey,what do you want me to do?,will you eat me?,fine if that'll satisfy you,"

"I'd have eaten you if you were a little nicer,but if I ate you now,I'll surely die because of the heady bone in your gut." Jadine teased,playing to annoy but failed wofly as Suzy smiled instead.

"Good,so shut your foul mouth up," she said and increased her pace.

For the rest of the journey they kept silent, Jadine watched suzy as she kept yawning, she looked both tired and exhausted, they had been walking for hours,the sun was already setting.


" aren't you tired?,we should stop and rest quickly before joining the others. "Jadine suggested.

Suzy glared briefly at him and continued on,she was a bit slower,soon they were the last couple.

Jadine had to walk slow to be in her pace they had been left behind but he wasn't bothered,it was Already sunset the others would find a place to camp soon.

But what bothered him was the slow pace at which suzy was walking

" hey walk faster or I'll leave you behind."he threatened, suzy glanced at him without a word.

Perhaps she thinks I'm joking, Jadine thought and increased his pace.

That will show her how serious I'm.
But when he looked back she was far behind,he slowed down

"Hey do you need help,I could carry you," he offered.

"Leave me alone,"

"Ok weak but still defiant, you really dont have any soft bone do you?," Jadine teased.

"You're weak but still talking."

"Look Jadine please leave me alone and who said I was weak?,"

"no one,only that you're way too slow now,"

"Fine I'll just have to prove to you just how strong I am." She said walking faster.

"Hey slow down it was only a joke," Jadine called after her she was already disappearing behind trees.

Jadine followed her.

"Hey suzy slow down or you'll break your neck."

She glanced up to see Jadine, she felt heat on her cheeks.

"I warned you." he said

Suzy straightened beating his hands off her waist.

"What're you doing?,you almost injured me." She said glaring up at him.

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