The senator's daughter party

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"What's wrong with you?," Jasper queried.

" What do you mean?," Jasper queried as soon as they were outside the school premises.

"What do you mean?,"

"Look I saw what you did, you purposely blew off your chance to recover your necklace."

"Please, I don't want to talk about it, Jasper please." She pleaded and sat down on a bench. In the school compound.

" Fine." He sat beside her.

Silence ensued between them.
Jasper kept giving her harried looks.

I just hope she doesn't break down crying again, her silence is alarming, basket thought to himself.

As though jasper had read her, suzy's face crumpled, she bursts into sobs.

Wordlessly he pulled her close, so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

Her son's grew louder, he placed his right hand across her shoulders pulling her closer, he let her cry. It was better she cried it out or it would kill her slowly.

Suzy cried till she could cry no more, all the while Jasper held her silently.

When she had stopped crying, he brought out a handkerchief from his jacket which he handed over to her without a word.

She collected the hanky , using it to dab her face and nose.

She glanced at him gratefully.


"You are welcome."

Some minutes of silence. They were both staring at students going home as different cars of different brands pulled up in Front of the school.

"I'm sorry." She said breaking the minutes old silence.

Jasper whipped his head around to look at her.

" For what? ,"

Suzy grilled the hanky nervously.

"You know for making you sit and watch me cry."

Jasper looked away, he felt a strange tightening feeling on his chest.

"You needed it." He muttered in a dry voice.

Suzy turned to look at him.

" Jasper?," She called.

He turned to look at her,

" Thank you. Thank you for being here for me." She said staring gratefully into his eyes.

Jasper reached for her hand by her side and squeezed it gently.

"Anytime." He replied staring deeply into her dark fathomless eyes.

Their eyes met intensely. Uncomfortable. Suzy looked away quickly and pulled her hand away.

" That necklace..." Suzy began.

Jasper kept quiet allowing her to continue.

" It belonged to my mother."

"You speak of her in past tense..."

" She's dead." Suzy paused "my dad gave it to me." She continued.

" I'm sorry. He apologized. Not knowing how to feel

"Why did you give it away then? ," He asked the question aching him to ask.

" You won't father is busy and won't be bothered about things like that."

" Not even when they are precious?," He glanced at her.

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