his troubles

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"Good afternoon nanny." Suzy greeted dully

"Goodday dear," nanny answered weakly,she'd obviously heard the news.

"How're you?,"

"I'm fine,"

Rose walked in, she was looking pale,she was dying of curiousity of what happened to her brother.

Flinging a greeting at nanny Clara she went upstairs.

When she was out of ear shot nanny asked

"Does she know about it?,"

"No she doesn't know,"

"Oh dear,"

"Pls excuse me nanny,"

"Alright child,"

Suzy was sitting on her bed when her aunt came, her eyes were swollen from crying too much,suzy felt a pang of guilt, she couldn't greet her aunt but she understood.

"did you meet Jadine?," she asked a glimmer of hope shinning in her eyes.

Suzy was afraid to crush the hope but she had to say the truth.


Her aunt took it so well,she forced a smile.

"Your uncle has banned jadine from coming as much as two steps to this house.

" what?"

Both of them turned to see rose at the door tears were already flowing down her cheeks.

"Mom tell me its not true,"

"I'm sorry but jadine's not your brother,"

Helena said in tears,they ran into each others arms and wept sore,suzy just stood watching.

The next day suzy wrote a letter to Liam telling him to tell Jadine to meet her at the park after school.

Immediately after school lessons suzy hurried to the park it was already few minutes to six she had agreed to meet Jadine, she got to the park finding an empty park seat she sat down,the park was crowded with young couples making out on benches, every where was chilly,suzy put on her warm sweatshirt, she glanced at the time it was already few minutes past six,she hugged herself and sat waiting patiently for Jadine, he didn't come, she kept waiting, just then she felt a hand in her shoulder,thinking it was Jadine she raised her head quickly, she couldn't see the person's face...


"What happened? he didn't come?,"

"___jasper?!,what're you doing here?,"

"Liam told me you were meeting with Jadine so I decided to check on you,"

"Well he didn't,..... how did you know that he didn't come?,"

"Um.....well I visited a friend across the road so l occasionally had to peep in on you,"

"What!"suzy felt heat rise to her cheeks,thank God he couldn't see her blush in the dark.

" you followed me down here?!,"

"I didn't actually follow you here,I visited a friend he argued.

" fine,thanks anyway for coming,"suzy said regretting her doubt immediately.

"No problem let's go home,"

"Um.....," suzy hesitated

"just keep the letter there."

"Huh?won't it get lost?,"

"It'wouldn't ,he might still come, maybe he had a problem on the way."

"Ok if you say so." She reluctantly kept the letter and left with Jasper.

MY COUSIN & ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon