The president's daughter

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Suzy grimaced distastefully as she saw that there was a very furnished restroom and bathroom for the ladies and another one not too far away for the males.
She had to wait for her turn to take a shower,it was only eight bathrooms there.
She finished showering and left to her tent room, she was tying a towel robe ,there was a body lotion kept at the ladies tent,she loved the scent,she applied some on her hands and slapped her cheeks with it, she closed her eyes

Jadine decided to check on suzy when he came in, he saw her eyes closed she was smiling.

She looked so sexy that hr couldn't help but stare.

Suzy felt a shadow cast over her, she opened her eyes and blinked in surprise as she saw Jadine.

"Jadine again, can't you even take an ex use before entering?!,"she yelled crossed.

Realizing himself he backed away " I'm sorry, "he apologized and went to his own tent.

" gosh,"suzy blushed, running a comb through her hair she quickly put on her clothes and dashed out.

Just like Jadine had predicted, there were lots of activities.

Bungee jumping, the guys were thought how to make forest traps,and then everyone had to walk on ropes tied across trees to cross ditches.

Suzy and sarah were the only females who were brave enough to challenge the guys as they climbed without falling.

Jasper and Jadine just sat watching her.

Later the guys were whisked off to  the new site leaving behind the females with light bags to carry.

Suzy was standing alone when sarah walked up to her,suggesting that they go see the cliff side,she was insisting that it was Beautiful, with a crystal clear water below it.

She was so excited suzy let her drag her along,they went in the company of Kim bong and the black pink girls.

They got there true to Sarah's word there,it was a beautiful sight,the girls closed their eyes to savour the cool breeze when debbie suddenly announced.

" I need to get my drink from my bag,"
"Yeah you're right," sarah agreed.
Suzy didn't want anything from her bag so she stood her ground.

When she opened her eyes she discovered that except from Kim bong she was the only one there.

She turned to leave but Kim bong stopped her, for a moment both stared at each other before slowly their faces registered recognition.

"Shancai?!,"Kim asked herself disbelievingly

Then it all came back in Lin Cheng junior high, shancai had been the mist brilliant student as a result she was loved by all,which made Kim angry,
Because she ways got all the attention, she hated shancai because of it.once she had fought shancai, she had been expelled and her father was made to apologize in the public for his daughter's misconduct.
All because she was the President's daughter.
Kim's father was not poor he was a minister.
Kim had sworn to get suzy for that act,for humiliating her father.
Kim's face curved into a smile.

" what a small world isn't it shancai, who would have thought that we'd still meet again,it see you've not stopped the habit of taking what belongs to others,and you're trying to steal my fiancée, "

"I dont intend to take jasper away from you,u didn't even know he was your fiancee,"

"Yeah well you know now PRESIDENT DAUGHTER." She sneered.

"I see you dont have a lot of admirers here,you haven't told them who you are, have you ?,"

"I dont intend on telling them if you'd please keep your mouth shut."

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