The punishment

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Suzy came out later only to see Jadine. he was glancing around and staring at the pine grooves.
Suzy's heart skipped a beat,that was certainly where rose was.
At least she had promised even if it was killing.

"hey Jadine."

Jadine glanced down at her, there was something about his gaze that was offsetting suzy and made her toes curl.

"Um....what are you doing here?," she asked at the same time praying not to be snobbed.

Jadine looked at her for a while, Suzy's throat ran dry as she tried to hold his gaze which were lingering on her face,she let her gaze slowly travel his body.he had no shirt on and gosh he had six packs,she had never noticed.

"Did u see rose around here on in the restroom?,"

Suzy's breath caught hard,he had talked to her.

"Um...rose..?...nope." She gulped at her foolishness she couldn't even get a word out straight, her mind was in amess to behave like this. She was a stupid moron she thought, all the while her head was bowed knowing fully well that he was still staring at her when he shifted his gaze, she looked up,hell!,he was staring at the pine grooves again.

"Jadine can we go back?,maybe rose might also be looking for us."she said placing her hand on his arm.

Her heart slowed as he stared at the arm then at her.

"Okay," he turned not bothering to take off her hand,suzy suddenly alarmed took off her hand quickly lagging a step behind as they walked back.

Of course rose wasn't there.

He didn't ask,suzy was fine with that.
Rose came back a few minutes later,they all sat down quietly, but when Jadine wasn't looking she gave suzy a grateful glance which suzy acknowledged with a nod.

The Burtons came over to say good bye,Mr Burton and Mr Lee talked,while Suzy's aunt and Mrs Burton talked.

The four sat down gisting but suzy could notice Jadine watching her all the time
When the Burtons left,they also stood up and packed their things.

They went home.

The next day was the beginning of Suzy's punishment.

*** ***

The next day was the beginning of Suzy's punishment she had to beg sarah to copy call the notes and give to her later while she worked along side the school sanitation team(S.S.T).

Jadine kept staring at the empty seat where suzy used to sit.

He couldn't pay attention
he discovered to his dismay.
Well he kept doing cartoon sketches of suzy on his book without knowing it.

When he realized, he threw his pen down to stop himself.

"What am I doing?" he grimaced to himself.
He forced himself back to what the lecturer was saying.

Enduring till school over he took his bag and walked out.

Suzy had just finished another endless routine of picking when Jadine walked towards her.

Her breath ceased.

He stopped right in front of her and stared down at her.

"Why didn't you come to class today?," he asked.

Wait a minute,was this a question or was he playing to annoy?

"Can't you see what am doing?," suzy blurted out before she could stop herself.

She bit her lip from saying more.

"And what're you doing that is more important than your studies?,"

Suzy bit back her comment.

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