three ✬

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it was monday, i was back at home and back at work. today the lakers were just practicing at the ucla health training center. they needed to practice and train all week until saturday before they play the warriors up north at the chase center. here now, it was only me and my co-worker liv since it was just practice.

our main goal for today was getting the lakers to answer some questions we got from tiktok crowds. we noticed that people also enjoy seeing the players interacting and the behind-the-scenes of preparing for future games.

i was setting up the camera and tiny microphone and liv was looking through the questions. i saw anthony davis walking over to us to greet us and say good morning.

"nat, i saw your instagram post. how was the niners game?" he asked, lebron walked in and joined AD.

"nat did something besides work? you're lying. where'd you go?" lebron chuckled, anthony tells him about the football game.

they teased me a bit about but i knew it was all jokes, we talked a bit more about the game then i told them about our video idea for today. liv finally decided on a question: if you could choose another professional sports league to play in what sport would it be?

liv started filming and players answered, i stepped aside due to my phone ringing. i took out my phone, it was a message from kristin, my mom, and a few insta notifications from my personal account.

@brock.purdy13 has requested to follow you

i froze, how did he find me? maybe nick told him? i put my phone away, i'd deal with this at home. i went back over to liv, she finished asking the majority of the players.

when we finished asking them all we got our computers and began editing, editing was a quick thing since it was just supposed to be a 60-second video for tiktok.

"friend, how was your weekend? how was the game?" i heard a voice, i looked up and saw austin reaves. i was now multitasking between talking to austin and editing.

when austin came to the lakers he was so shy but the way he played on the court spoke for him. i was the first to talk to him and then we became really good friends.

i explained to him the situation and about what happened at the game, "nani, he's clearly interested in you. yes, it's been a day but for him to find your instagram like that should say a lot. even if he found it right away through kyle or the nfl wives... he was thinking of you. i say you accept his request." he says, i took a minute and thought about his words.

he was right, i should just accept him, not like he's a weirdo??? it's not like he's messaging me right??? he just wants to be mutual on social media. i took my phone out and austin watched me accept his request and follow him back.

austin high-fived me, and we chatted a bit more before me and liv had to go. i said my goodbyes to everybody and wished them all a wonderful night. the pictures and instagram stories had already been posted, and another work day was done.

i got in my car and drove home, it was about 15 minutes from the training center. once i got home i showered and headed toward to kitchen to make a meal.

i made something quick to eat and binge-watched the vampire diaries before heading to bed. i kept thinking about brock and why and how he found me. personally, if somebody ignored the way i did to him (unintentionally) i would've just stayed away.

i was thinking about it for too long i ended up going to sleep.

the week went by quickly, it was now friday morning and we just checked in to our hotel in san francisco. it was about 10 minutes from the chase center. the media team didn't have to be anywhere until tomorrow morning.

so today, i was exploring downtown san francisco. i went to iron horse coffee shop. fun fact; they served coffee with alcohol. i've always heard great reviews and was looking forward to it.

i entered, and after a couple of seconds, i decided i wanted an irish coffee which included irish whiskey, drip coffee, and whipped cream. i stood to the side and waited for my order and began scrolling on my phone.

"irish coffee this early? it's 5 o'clock somewhere right?" i heard a soft voice, it belonged to the only brock purdy. i looked at him and admired him, i let out a chuckle. i was too occupied on my phone and didn't even realize my order was ready.

"nat is it? i'm sorry, you were technically gatekeeping your name last time i saw you. what are you doing in san francisco? i'm curious." he asked, i know it's only brock but i wouldn't want to be that person that says i work for the lakers, i'm here for their game tomorrow against the warriors.

"a work thing. i'll be leaving sunday morning." i quickly said, his smile turning into a thin line.

"do you have to leave? come on, go to our game on sunday." he pleaded, but i couldn't help but wonder why he wanted me there. this man knew nothing of me. 'he's interested in you' austin's voice came to mind, but like is that true??

i look at brock, "i'll think about it." i say, i see him smile once again. he took out his phone,

"put your number in, i'll text and ask you sunday morning. pretty sure kristin and the girls would love to have you up there again," he said, i took his phone and dialed my number.

"if you wanted my number you could've just asked." i joke, he chuckles and proceeds to tell me how i probably would've gate-kept that too.

"i would play even better if I saw you before the game. i'll give you a field pass if you'd like," he said, as he grabbed his coffee.

"are you always this corny, purdy?" i questioned and laughed, he shook his head.

"no, i'm never corny but when the girl i've been thinking about the entire week is in front of me i guess it just comes out," he says, and we walk out of the coffee shop together.

"funny. well, i'll let you know if i can attend on sunday. have a good day," i say and smile at him before walking away. i look back at him & he's still watching me walk away. brock purdy was something else.

i did a bit of shopping in small shops, so much fun. i walk back to the hotel and into my room. i put my stuff down and called kristin, she quickly answered and i updated her about what happened at the coffee shop.

"shut your fucken mouth!" she yells, her reaction made me laugh. she kept saying that for a good two minutes.

"i've got to make you a fucken outfit with his number on it. please nani PLEASE!" she says, i tell her she could and she gets even more excited.

"but isn't it late? the game is in two days," i say, i wasn't doubting her skills i just didn't want to interrupt any plans she had just so she could make me an outfit.

"no, i don't care it will be done! i can't wait to tell kyle and CLAIRE OMG. okay... okay. sunday morning come to our house and just wear all black, some cute shoes because i know how you feel about heels. i will make you a cute puffer jacket. but nani the fact that he said he wants to see you before the game?? i can't wait to watch this love story unfold." she says, i tell her there isn't a love story to be unfolded.

we chat for a bit longer before i tell her i was going to get something to eat. all i had to do was get through tomorrow's game, and go to the game on sunday.

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