four ✬

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saturday morning, we were up early, and by the time it hit 2 p.m., we were already at the chase center. the players were already on the court practicing and running around. their game started at 4:30 p.m. and as i said, when they play the warriors it means straight to work. lakers vs warriors is always a heck of a game, two amazing teams.

the social media team & i were taking snaps of the players, i saw klay thompson from afar and went to say hi to him. me & klay were really good friends, we met at the 2022 espy awards.

"what's up, nani! how are you?" he hugs me, i tell him i'm fine and proceed to ask him how he's doing.

"i'm great, no complaints. can't wait to beat your team though," he says, i let out a loud laugh.

"nice try. good luck, they've been putting in the work," i say

we talk for a couple minutes more and i go back to our group. today, i was going to be filming their content from a further view in the upper sections. i enjoyed being with the fans, it was such a vibe.

"is it weird to say i have a crush on klay thompson," i look over at my co-worker aphrodite, and i chuckle.

"no, it's not weird at all! why don't you talk to him?" i ask her and she shakes her head.

"i could never, i love how you know everybody. my antisocial skills could never." she jokes, i'll put in a good word for her to klay, he's single.... very single.

the lakers ended up losing, it was a heck of a game and i was very proud of all the work they put in. all media press conferences were over so our work day was over.

i was completely exhausted, i wanted to get to the hotel and sleep. i was looking forward to the game tomorrow though, now that i'm thinking about it... i haven't texted brock to confirm that i'm going. he had texted me earlier about it but i never got back to him.

i got to the hotel and texted brock to confirm, i had already advised the team i wouldn't be going back to LA with them, i'd be leaving either sunday night or monday morning. they didn't question too much.

as i lay on the bed and was scrolling on my phone, brock called me. i let it ring about three times before answering.

"hello," i answer, i wonder why he was calling me. so random.

"hey, sorry if im calling at the wrong time but i was just wondering if you're busy?" he asks, his shy voice on the other end of the line, it was so cute, it brought a smile to my face.

"you didn't call at the wrong time & no i'm not busy," i say

"would you possibly want to hang out right now? we can just park somewhere and talk or get something to eat? if not i get it, it's so last minute but i just can't get you out of my head." he says, feeling my cheeks go warm.

"yeah, i'm not feeling hungry so we can just chill. i'll send you my hotel address," i say, we cut our conversation and i hang up.

i said i was exhausted but not anymore. i look to see if i need an outfit change but i'll probably just change my shirt and put on a hoodie. it was more on the colder side today in san fransisco.

it took brock about 15 minutes to get here, he texted me he was outside already. i walk down to the lobby and exit and see him in his toyota sequoia. he sees me and gets off, he gives me a quick hug before opening the passenger door for me then heads off to his & begins to drive away, i had no clue where we were going.

"so how was your work event?" he asks, i forgot he doesn't know what i do for work.

"it was great. how was your day, what'd you do?" i asked, we stopped at a red light and he looked over at me.

"it was good, i just ran some errands with kittle. but, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for work?" he asks

"i uhh, i work for the lakers. i'm a part of their social media team," i say, his look turned into pure shock. which is why i don't like telling anybody for that same reaction.

"dude, that's awesome. i have so much respect for our own social media crew, they do so much for us i can only imagine you do the same for the lakers. do you like it? your job?" he asks

i've never been asked if i like what i do. it's always, wow you work for the lakers? can you get us tickets? do you get to talk to the big three?

"i love it, a lot," i tell him, he looks over at me again and smiles.

"that's what matters! now i know two things about you, tell me more about you," he said and pulled into a parking lot, he parked the truck and gave me his whole undivided attention.

"i'm 25, i turn 26 in november. i was born and raised in los angeles. i went to USC and graduated with a degree in marketing. i have a younger sister, andrea, who still lives with our parents. my family is my entire world, they've supported me for the longest time when the rest of my family found my career to be silly and said it wouldn't last. umm im a huge daddy's girl, im my dads world besides my mom of course-" i stop for a second and look at him while he lets out a small laugh

"growing up in a hispanic household makes you tough, like super tough. i guess that led to my independence, they always expected so much from me, everything needed to be perfect. although to me, the only perfect one here is god. with andrea they let so much slide, but i don't hold it against them because it made me the woman i am today. their support was everything." i continue and he's just nodding and smiling.

"but enough about me, i feel like i over shared. tell me about you." i finish saying, i never talk about my family but here i was saying everything, good one nat!

"don't feel like you over shared, i want to know everything about you. everything. BUT, i'm from arizona, and i too have the support of my parents, they're support and my faith are why i am who i am today. they've believed in me even though i was the last draft pick, they've always been telling me, 'you're good enough and we know that you can do it.' so, to see them after every game means a lot to me and i'm so very blessed to have them as my family. and i have two siblings, chubba and whittney. she is the eldest, and chubba is the youngest. whit is like my second mom, she's always taking care of me til this day. chub is everyone's favorite, he's hilarious, i love them. can't wait for you to meet them." he says as he reaches over to grab my hand. my hands were a little sweaty so i hope he didn't notice as much.

we just had a moment of silence while our hands were still intertwined, i barely had met this guy and he was making me feel like this. i felt weak but also wanted to enjoy this, was this even going to be serious?

"i can't wait for you to see my game day fit." i broke the silence

"really? kristin is making you something?" he asks, i nod. i was looking forward to seeing what she was going to make me, i just knew it was going to be absolutely amazing.

"can't wait to see you in my number." he winks

i kept feeling my heart race, i know what it means but i've always been good at keeping my guard up. why was i letting this man make me feel like this?

we spent the rest of the time talking about random stuff, and religions since he was a christian man. him being called mr irrelevant, and how passionate he is about everything he does.

my mind kept rolling back to the idea of me and him ever happening but it couldn't, my life is in LA and he is in the bay. yes, we're still in the same state but i can imagine how tiring it'd be.

men these days are so easy to cheat, who's to say we'd see each other often? why wouldn't he find someone nearby? all these things in my head.

he drove me back to my hotel, before i got off he cupped my face and kissed my cheek.

"i'll see you tomorrow, purdy," i say and get off his truck, i wave at him and go to my room.

oh god, let's this all have a good outcome.

sad niners lost! but it's still BANG BANG NINER GANGG

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