ten ✬

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saturday we spent the day apart, i was no longer sad i was just confused. no texts, no calls, nothing from brock purdy. kyle came back after talking to him and said he was regretful. i was still going to his game, i knew that this was just one of our first arguments, there were many more to come. or was this even worth it??

it was sunday, and my sister was now here. we had breakfast and caught up. she didn't know brock at all so i didn't want to tell her about the argument. andrea's presence made me feel so much better. we were in my guest bedroom and she finished getting ready.

"you know i always thought you'd get with somebody from the lakers. but nfl? dude period, i love that for you," she says while fixing her hair around

i laugh, i scroll on instagram and see updates from the 49ers page. they have a reel of brock walking in, he's wearing a leather jacket but there's a detail on the jacket that catches my attention, i raise the volume on my phone.

"can we see the details on your leather jacket brock?" the social media team asks him, he goes closer to them and shows them the cuff of the jacket

i couldn't believe it, the cuffs had my full name embroidered on them.

"natalia de dios." he read it out loud

"my girl, my girl, my girl. my number one supporter so it's only right i do this for her. sweater made by kristin juszczyk." he points at the camera and walks away

i had a huge smile on my face, i showed andrea the video and she was in awe. despite our argument, it's the little thing he does that makes me feel like the only girl in the world.

it was about 11:30 and the game started at one, we had carpooled with kristin over to the stadium. kristin had never met andrea so seeing them automatically get along made me happy.

we got to the stadium, got our bags checked, and headed to the field. kristin had gone to the restroom and said she'd meet us soon. i had to introduce andrea to brock, i was looking around for him.

i seen george kittle heading over to us, he hugged me and then gave andrea a hug. i introduced them both, george kittle was the sweetest soul ever, a real genuine guy.

he pulls me over to the side, i start to get worried.

"kyle mentioned your mini argument with purdy and let me just tell me, the way we both confronted him and made him spill. but, he says, he just got a tad insecure seeing you talk to klay. it made him imagine the type of guys you meet at work, guys with money and good looks, and it just made him wonder why you would even pick him." he tells me, i never wanted him to feel insecure, i never wanted him to question himself over things like that.

"i get that, i'm sure we'll talk later. but, george the thing that bugs me is why wouldn't he communicate that to me? it's pretty hypocritical for him to say he's all about communication but can't communicate then and there." i say, he nods, totally understanding me.

"you're right, you know, brock's too stubborn for his own good. but you gotta love him, he's such a cool dude," he says, giving me a huge squeeze before heading back to the field.

once he jogs back, i see brock walking up to me. i felt my heart race but that all ended when he pulled me in for a hug.

"i love you, i love you so much, my girl. i'm so sorry. i promise we'll talk later but right now let me just hug you. i missed you so much." he says, once he lets go i give him a quick peck on the lips.

"brock, this is andrea. andrea, this is brock." i turn to andrea and introduce him, she puts out her hand but he declines and instead pulls her in for a hug, i chuckle.

i saw andrea whisper something to him before letting go, he'd probably tell me later so i wasn't questioning it as much. he walked back to hold my hand.

"my parents and siblings are up in the suite already, they know you're going up there soon. i love you, i'll see you after because they want to go to dinner," he says and kisses me.

afterward, he jogs back to the field, me and andrea start walking to the suite. i was so nervous to see his family, i hate that he told me so last minute.

we enter the suite and they all turn to me, they get up and walk over to me, they all have huge smiles on their faces as they hug me individually. brock's mom was so sweet and beautiful, his dad was such a sweetheart as well as his siblings. he talked about his family a lot so meeting them and remembering how sweet he says they are was so amazing.

i introduced andrea to them as well, just like me, they gave her a huge hug, i loved this moment. we sat down, i was sitting next to brock's parents and andrea was on my left side.

"so nice to finally meet the woman who my son talks so much about, he called me on the very first day he met you, when you wouldn't tell him your name and he says, 'mom, i think that's the woman god made for me.  she didn't tell me her name but i know i have to find out.' and to know you guys are now together makes me so happy. as a mom you can only pray that your kids meet end up with the right people. i know that's you." she tells me, i had a huge smile on my face, her telling me all of this almost made me want to cry.

"yeah, lord knows how many times he called whittney asking her for advice." shawn, brocks dad said, we all let out a laugh. if brock knew they were bringing this up he'd be all embarrassed.

whittney took out her phone to take a picture of us all together. his family made me feel safe, sweet genuine people. she takes the picture and posts it, his siblings then follow me and andrea on instagram. brock would be so mad that i gave his sister my instagram instead of him on the first day we met.

we all chatted a bit longer before the game started, kristin walked in along with claire and sat next to andrea after greeting brock's family.

the game was starting and the players were running out from under the tunnel, i stood up and watched as they introduced my number 13. he ran to the field while looking up greeting his family, and blowing me a kiss.

the game started, brock had made the first touchdown, and levi's stadium cheered loudly. i looked at andrea, she was enjoying it so far.

"i've got to say, seeing you in love brings me so much joy. you've always been so dedicated to your career and not you're all soft for him." she let out a laugh and laid her head on my shoulder.

"i'm not soft for him," i argue back

"nani, please don't be so oblivious right now. it's so obvious, it's okay to admit. he's soft for you too. i know he wants something serious with you. after we go home i'm telling everyone my sister is an nfl wag so please make this work." she jokes

the game ended and the 49ers lost to the browns by two points, we all grabbed our belongings and headed out of the suite. i told kristin i was going to ride with brock since we were going to dinner after.

"i'll see you guys at home! enjoy dinner with your in-laws babe." she hugs me, and i playfully roll my eyes at her.

"i'll tell you everything later over hot chocolate and binge-watching friends," i say

beock shortly came out of the locker room, he hugged his entire family, andrea, then me lastly. we walked to the parking lot. his family was slightly ahead of us and talking to my sister.

i look over at brock who intertwines our hands together, "i love your sweater. thank you, i had no idea kristin was doing that for but. but can we talk about the way it fits you? i mean, if we didn't have any dinner plans we'd definitely be busy tonight." i tell him, he looks at me.

"you better stop before i cancel dinner plans," he says, i laugh. i know we had to talk later but in the meantime, i was going to enjoy the time with him, my sister, and his family.


i was busy all day, but here's an update! thank you all for the support.

- daya ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

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