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"Don't yell at him. Not because your world revolves around Kazuha means that his should. We've got lives of our own too."

Heeseung runs a hand through his hair as beads of sweat trickles down from his forehead. Looking over at Y/n, he lets out "You're right, I'm sorry."

Heeseung watches as the second woman walks into her room, slamming the door behind herself. He shrugs at that, running over to Kazuha's door, knocking as he tries to get the woman out of her room and all ready for classes as if it was his responsibility.

Jake sat on the far end of the couch in the living room, looking back and forth between the two doors, hoping that Heeseung would be out soon. Having being the only person aware of Kazuha and Heeseung's situation, it felt somewhat nauseating to him having to hide this information from the others.

There were often times when he'd have to cut in to random conversations with the others to justify Heeseung's action and still be yelled at for it. So hearing Y/n sticking it out for him, he felt somewhat relieved. It felt different for a change and he surely loved it.

He's brought out from his thoughts as Y/n swings her room door open. The black halter back top stops just above her waistline, hugging her body tightly as her pair of denim jeans hangs lowly on her waist- exposing her petite waistline just a bit.

Just then, Kazuha's door swings open as well and out steps Heeseung. He averts his direction to the woman slipping her feet into her shoes, pulling her jacket on right after. She grabs her keys, ready to leave but Heeseung stops her.

"Y/n?" Calling out to her, Heeseung had only the feeling of guilt consuming him. "Can we talk- privately?" Jake heaves a sigh, standing to his feet as he lets out "I'll be in the car."

Heeseung had not a single plan on how he wanted to approach the woman before him. He had no clue what to say first and what to say last. He just knew that he felt a bit guilty for everything that had happened since they've met.

"Uhm- I don't know how to say this." He starts, nervously scratching at the back of his neck. His eyes are looking everywhere but at her. "I'm sorry-" Y/n's lips part, ready to cut him in but he shushed her.

"I'm really sorry. I'm genuinely sorry for kissing you, for addressing you as someone else, for touching both Samantha and Rachel." Heeseung chuckles at his own words, noticing the way Y/n bit down on her bottom lip trying to hide her obvious grin.

"And I'm sorry for calling your girls just fine." He purses his lips at that last bit, waiting for her reaction. She was clearly amused. He definitely hadn't known her for long but as if printed on her forehead, it was clear that she found humor in everything.

"It's okay! Shit happens!" Was all that needed to be heard before he continued on "I'm hoping that we can put everything aside and be just friends?" Heeseung gives a glimpse of his optimistic side. "I mean, if you're not weird-ed out by you know-"

"It's only weird if we make it weird!" Y/n cuts him in, forming a fist, she stretches it out in his direction, wriggling it for him to tap as she lets out "If you can handle being friends with me, sure."

Heeseung fist bumps hers with the biggest smile on his face. His day was definitely starting to look up as Y/n finally fills him in on her plans with Jake- who she had met a few minutes ago and some guy called Jungwon.

"You'll join us?" Y/n questions as she takes a glance at the watch strapped around her wrist. "Shit. I'm late for my classes!" And with that, she's warns him to lock up after himself if Kazuha falls asleep as she makes her way out the door. Heeseung makes a mental note to keep an eye on Jake and another to ask about the plans with his new friend for later.

Heeseung and Jake finally shows up to practice in the last hour earning a few scolds from their leader and their dance teacher. They thanked the God above that their manager wasn't around at the moment, not wanting to hear another earful of why they should be punctual.

Quickly filling in the empty spots beside the others, the two had not that much work to do given that they were fast learners.

By the time their practice was finished, everyone had become exhausted. Some sprawled on the dance floor, some reaching for water and then there was Heeseung who was exercising his fingers.

Heeseung snickers in his corner over memes that Y/n had been spamming him with. Trying to stifle his laughter, the man bits down on his bottom lip.

Heeseung was so caught up with typing that he missed the way Jake nudged at Jungwon's shoulder slightly- smiling happily over at the eldest.

Jake placed a freshly opened bottle of water to his lips, taking a long swig before grabbing one for Heeseung as well.  Moving over to the eldest, he offers the water as he drops his figure onto the floorboard beside Heeseung.

"Texting Y/n?" A huge grin on Jake's face as he pushes at the eldest shoulder playfully. "Yeah, just finalizing plans for later?"

Jake's eyebrows shot up that, refusing to tease the man any further, Jake knew that from his grin that there was definitely more than just discussing plans for later but he didn't push it any further.

By the time the guys got home, all they wanted to do was to drop their sweaty bodies on to their beds and just pass out.

Well all except Heeseung as he beelines for the bathroom, taking a quick shower with his karaoke plans in mind.

A towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hand as he roughly dried his wet hair, he questions "Aren't you guys going?"

Jake lamely waves Heeseung away, wanting to be left alone as he cries for a second time on his way home "I feel like I'm dying with this headache."

Heeseung looks over at Jungwon who had already passed out on the couch in the living room as he sighs "Well, make sure to take some tablets or something."

Heeseung pairs his denim jeans with a blue and green sweater, fixing his hair a bit, he grabs his keys and with that, he makes his way out the door and over to his new friend completely oblivious to the two who leans over, fist bumping each other.

Please note that this book hasn't been edited yet. Raw chapters are posted but they will be edited later on.

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