Second choice

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Aware of how obvious they were making it seem, my eyes goes in search of Heeseung's. Immediately, I find comfort in my friend and I approach him. Dropping my figure onto the cold floor boards beside him. "Hey there, hot stuff!" I pipe, keeping my distance from his sweaty body.

The man was basically drenched at this point, gasping for air as he chugs an entire bottle of water in one go. Shooting him a wink, I ask "You're okay?"

The man beside me nods a little, unable to form words as I hesitantly pat his shoulder, trying to comfort him- all while being grossed out by his sweaty skin.

I scrunch my face up in disgust- hoping that he didn't notice as my hands leaves his body, sweat dripping from my palm as I frantically rub it against my jeans. Heeseung did notice and he only laughs at that, his mood changing completely as I whine "You kind of stink"

His mouth falls slightly ajar, his left eyebrow quirked as he looks at me playfully. I miss the teasing look on his face when he grasp my hand in his, pulling me closer to him, rubbing his sweaty cheek against mine.

"Heeseung!" I whine, faking a cry as his laugh only becomes louder. His grip was too strong on my hands to even break away from him, I heave a sigh- accepting defeat at once.

Not even five minutes, he reaches into his bag, tossing a towel of some sort over in my direction. Catching the material in my hand, I make an attempt to dry my self as Heeseung grows quiet beside me.

His eyes hold nothing but despair, his jaw clenched tightly as he barely sneaks a glance over at the two. His heat drops at the sight of the two and I don't know why but I somehow felt responsible.

"This really sucks for you" I awkwardly let out. Heeseung avoids my eyes as he responds with "They're both happy. That's all that matters-"

I don't give him a chance to finish as I ask "What about you? What about making yourself happy?" My words only earns a defeated shrug from Heeseung.

"On my way in here, I almost found myself hitting on the hot girls around so I'm pretty sure you and your friend" I pause, gesturing down to his groin as I continue "could definitely find someone else to be happy about." I scolded, smiling at the end of my suggestion.

"This isn't just about sex, Y/n." The man defended as I simply pursed my lips at that as he continues "If I had that mentality, I could've slept you since the first night we met."

"Like I would've let that happen!" Now it's my time to defend as I lamely threw my hands in the air. "Oh please, after one kiss, you practically became putty in my hands, love."

Scoffing at the nickname, I defended yet again "keep telling yourself that- Whatever helps you sleep at night!"

The atmosphere between us becomes awkward. I couldn't quite tell what he was thinking as face becomes expressionless.

"Wanna know a little secret?" I break the silence as Heeseung turns to fully face me, his Bambi eyes staring into mine, making it hard for me to look away.

Heart hammering in my chest, that I could practically feel in it my palms as I confessed "I've been in a millions situations where a boy I liked would always choose Kazuha over me-"

Heeseung's face falls at that, mumbling a sorry under his breath and I quick place my hand on his shoulder, reassuringly as I say "No, don't be. It's cool, I've gotten used to this."

Heeseung felt his stomach churning at that as the woman speaks again "That's why I respected you when we first kissed. You made it clear what you wanted."

Heeseung looked pained while listening ahead. "Anyhow my point of telling you this- if I can get over that, you can definitely get over this. It's not the end of the world, it's just a chapter in your book. You'll be happy someday"

The air between us becomes silent for a few minutes again, Heeseung takes his time- pondering over my words from earlier.

I take this moment to dart my eye around the room. Strangely, maybe even creepily, my eyes met with Ni-ki's once again and just like earlier- as soon as I look at him, he looks away, almost immediately.

Kind of weirded out by that, I ask "What's up with Ni-ki and the weird stares?" I could hear Heeseung giggling beside me at my question. He mumbles a cute under his breath before speaking aloud "That's his way of making friends."

"Huh?!" A smile on my face as I wait for his explanation.

"When I first met him, he used to stare at me like that too. It's only when we became friends, I got to know that those were signals for me to approach him."

I couldn't help but to smile at that as our eyes meet for a third time.

"Okay, Jungwon's right outside the building." Everyone stood to their feet, gathering around the table waiting for the birthday boy at the sound of Jake's voice.

Heeseung nudges my shoulder, signaling at Ni-ki who had been staring at me again. Just as I look over, Ni-ki's pupils become shaky as he panics, attempting to hide behind Sunoo only causing Heeseung and I to laugh at that.

Missing the strange stares from Kazuha, Jungwon pushes the door open, only to be taken aback when everyone yelled in unison "Surprise!" And that he was indeed.

The look on Jungwon's face was priceless as Jake filled him in on how he managed to convince him to dress for a fan meet and greet- which was definitely not on the schedule.

"Jake brought you guys here?" Heeseung's sudden question catches me off guard as I look over at him and away from the scene before us.

"Say what?" I ask as the man repeats himself.

Nodding at his question, I let out "Yeah, he promised to take us home afterwards too. Fingers crossed it's soon- I've got tons of last minute changes to get done for my assignment." Heeseung smiles at that, responding with "Trust me, that's not happening."

My smile falters as I look over at Jake, who was already downing shots of soju, a bit surprised. Biting down on my bottom lip, a bit confused as to what to do- unexpectedly, Heeseung pokes at my cheek with his index finger mumbling cute under his breath.

With deeply furrowed eyebrows, I stare over at him as he lets out "Come on~ I'll take you home." My shoulders were no longer sulking as my lips curve upwards into a smile.

Just as we bid the guys goodbye, I make my way over to the lovers with Heeseung trailing behind me as I call out to Kazuha "Ready to go? Heeseung's going to take us home."

Kazuha nods at that but Jay only tightens his grip on the woman next to him, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, begging her to stay a little longer.

Ultimately, she gives up. Looking over at me, she speaks "I guess I can stay a bit longer."

Prioritizing my assignments, I bid her a goodbye but just as I turn on my heels to leave, she speaks again.

"Lee Heeseung, why are you taking Y/n home when you should be spending this moment with your members?" Snapping my head over in her direction, my lips part slightly, ready to speak when she lets out "I'm sure it's isn't hard to get taxi outside?"

Sealing my lips, I nod at her words- understanding where she was coming from. I would hate to be person that gets between the guys' friendship so nodding over At Heeseung, I say "Kazuha's right."

Heeseung eyes are on Y/n's figure as she exits the practice room. He felt guilty for leaving her on her own and with those thoughts in mind, he makes his way over to the guys- just as Kazuha wanted.

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