Valentine's Day sucks!

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AirPods in my ears as I make my way into our shared apartment. My eyes lands on the odd pair of shoes set out front but I figured that Kazuha probably had company over.

Shrugging at that, I lip synced to the music blasting in my ears as I drop my bag pack onto my bed- making a beeline for the kitchen as hunger envelopes me. 

To my surprise, dinner was already prepared. Wasting no time, I grab a plate, serving myself some of the pasta as the grumbling in my stomach becomes quiet again.

I lean back in my chair, unbuttoning my jeans. Taking the AirPods out of my ears, I move over to the sink, ready to do the dishes when I hear a gasp.

"Y/n! What did you do?!" Snapping my head over in the doorway of the kitchen, my eyes are wide as I look between the couple.

"Did you eat my pasta? Did you eat all of it? It was supposed to be a surprise for Jay!" If possible at this moment, my eyes grew even wider as the woman continues "It's my Valentine's Day surprise to him!"

As much as I wanted to feel guilty, I couldn't. I just felt full. Kazuha was never one to cook- out of the two years that we were roommates, I could count on one hand how many times she actually cooked.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry-" I wasn't given the chance to apologize as Jay cuts me in. It's only then I notice the huge grin on his face as he speaks "My reservation won't go to waste- thanks to Y/n."

Kazuha slaps at his arm as he shoots a wink over in my direction- thanking me again. I nod awkwardly, pursing my lips at that.

Guilt finally catching up to me as I bury my face in the palms of my hands as the lovebirds exit the area. Heaving a sigh, I pack away the leftovers as I stick my AirPods back into my ears as a form of distraction.

Moving over to the sink, I begin doing the dishes- completely missing the footsteps nearing me. It's only when I stretch my hands to place the dishes on the rack, I see a hand beside mine.

Snapping my head over in his direction, I place my hand over my mouth as I jump slightly. "You scared me!"

Heeseung only giggles at my reaction as I remove my AirPods from my ears. Putting them back in place, I say "I believe Kazuha and Jay left for dinner already."

"I came to see you" he lets out, a smile resting on his lips as he grips the towel in his hands- drying the dishes before him.

"Oh" I let out, narrowing my eyes over in his direction. It's only then I realized that I haven't seen him since Jungwon's birthday.

"Valentine's day is so stupid- isn't it?" He waits for my answer as he puts the towel away after drying the very last plate.

"Just because Kazuha doesn't reciprocate your feelings doesn't mean that it's stupid." I retort, making my way out of the kitchen.

Heeseung trails behind me as I walk past Kazuha's room, pulling her bedroom door closed- hoping that Heeseung didn't notice all the gifts laid out on her bed as he whines "Its just not fair-"

I don't give him a chance to continue as I cut him in "What happened to being all happy for the couple? That was just last week." I tease.

Heeseung rolls his eyes at that, and I head straight into my room. It takes him a few seconds to join me and when he does, I couldn't possibly pity him any more. 

He holds a bouquet of fresh red roses and a huge heart shaped box of chocolates in his hands, walking over to him, I try to lighten the mood.

"How did you know I was craving something sweet?" Reaching out for the chocolates, I say "It's probably best if you don't try to give her these- Jay might feel a way-"

Heeseung's eyebrows are arched at my comment as he responds with "No, these are actually for you."

I choke on the dry air momentarily as I retract my hand causing the box of chocolates to fall to the floor as I place the very same hand on my chest- over my heart. Just a tad bit surprised as I gulped so hard that it hurt.

"Jungwon sent the chocolates- he wanted to thank you for helping out the other day. He hopes that this is enough." At this point, I'm sweating like a manic as the awkward atmosphere slowly disappears.

"The little note is from Jake and the flowers are actually from me- Happy Valentine's Day!" I reach down, picking the heart shaped box of chocolates from the floor as I say "You guys shouldn't have-"

"No, I'm glad, I did." Heeseung cuts me in "I'm glad the guys convinced me to because honestly speaking, you've been such a great friend to me." I smile at his words, accepting both the flowers and the card, I say in nothing more than a whisper "Thank you."

As soon as Heeseung's hands are freed, he wastes no time in dropping his figure onto my bed, struggling to pull his coat off.

Placing the gifts on my vanity, I say "You know this is the second time I'm embarrassing myself for the day already?"

Heeseung listens closely as I fill him in on how I ruined Kazuha and Jay's date by eating almost all of their food and after that, I couldn't stop him from laughing his heart out as I bury my face into the palms of my hands, embarrassed.

"Bring the chocolates over so we can drown in sadness together!" Heeseung whines and I hold my hands up saying "No eating on my bed!"

He pouts but I don't give in. I make my way over to the bed, dropping my figure next to his with my phone in my hands.

"You know what?! You're right! Today is stupid! Everyone's celebrating this stupid day. There's so many specials too!" Heeseung looks over at my phone, groaning as he lets out "How is that fair?! That's the price for dinner for two?!"

Nodding at that, my eyebrows nearly leave my face as Heeseung looks over at me "You know what we should do? We should go out instead of feeling sorry for ourselves- we should pretend to date!"

Staring over at him, I drop my phone onto the mattress as I say "We should! But what am I going to wear?!"

Rushing over to my closet, I scramble through my options as Heeseung lets out smugly "Wear whatever you want to, your boyfriend can fight!"

I almost miss the air quotes on the word boyfriend as I mirror his expression- a smirk tugging at my lips as I chase him out the room so that I could get changed.

We knew almost all of the fancy restaurants would be booked so we settled for a simple hotpot dinner and a walk in the park.

Heeseung and I giggled through most of our dinner as we pretended to date. The silly pet names slipping in between conversations had us both dying from laughter.

We thought it was beyond funny, well until we made it to the park for a stroll. I hook my hands in Heeseung's as we enjoy the scenery before us. Our attention is taken away from the happy kids when an elderly woman beside us speaks "You two make a wonderful couple!"

As much as we wanted to laugh this time, hearing it from someone else made us freeze up. Bowing over at her, we thank her but before things could've gotten awkward, Heeseung chimes "How does ice cream sound?"

Smiling, I nod over at him as we end our date night with ice cream oblivious as to what was going to hit us the next day.

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