Confession pt2.

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"Let's take a break!" At those words, the boys re already bolting out of the practice room. Sunghoon on the other hand, grabs a bottle of water, propping his figure onto the cold floorboards as he runs a hand through his wet hair.

Heeseung notices the way Sunghoon pouts a little and at that, he decides to stay back- joining the younger.

Grabbing a bottle of water for himself, he plants his figure beside Sunghoon as he questions "The choreography's hard, isn't it?"

Sunghoon nods, not making eye contact with him as he lets out "Nothing like the old days!" Heeseung goes silent at that.

Sunghoon takes the opportunity to speak again "When I did ice skating, it was also like this. It became so frustrating one time that I packed up and ran away from home."

That earns a giggle from Heeseung and he continues "I thought my parents would be angry at me if I told them that I was having a hard time." Sunghoon takes a sip of his water before continuing "That's when I met Kazuha."

Heeseung's eyes are soft at that, he looks over at Sunghoon. Sunghoon could feel his stare on the side of his face but he doesn't look at his older brother.

"I met her at my lowest and before we knew it- we started talking, dating and I guess we fell completely in love." Sunghoon's voice is low at that, finally looking over at Heeseung, he gulps before continuing "She became my best friend but when I started my training here- You know how busy we were with practicing?"

Heeseung nods at that, allowing Sunghoon to continue "We started drifting apart and before we knew it, she assumed that I was cheating on her and from then on, there wasn't a single day without an argument."

Sunghoon laugh a bit at that, remembering how they would argue over the smallest things.

"As time went by, we lost all contact. I missed her though- she's the only girl I ever had feelings for." Heeseung chokes on the dry air, curiously he stares over Sunghoon- waiting for him to speak again.

"When I saw her again, she was already dating Jay and well, I found out that you were also head over heels in love with her. I didn't know what to do, I tried to keep my distance because I didn't want to hurt you guys."

Sunghoon speaks from his heart, tears threatening to fall as he goes on "She promised that she would hurt me the way I did to her by leaving for my career so when I saw her with Jay, my guard went up. I didn't want to hurt him and I hated that I couldn't tell him about my past with her because it actually seemed as if they were going to last."

Heeseung pats his shoulder in reassurance as he speaks "When I was heading home, she followed me. She came on to me and I couldn't stop myself- no matter how badly I wanted to."

Heeseung held a pained expression on his face as he asks out loud "So, she didn't love Jay?"

Sunghoon shrugs at his question. "I have no clue but I felt so guilty that I had to tell him what happened. I don't blame him for hating me."

Heeseung is quick to cut him in "I'm sure he doesn't hate you- he's just really- he just needs some space." Sunghoon quirks an eyebrow at that as he questions "Put yourself in his shoes- if one of us slept with Y/n- how would you feel?"

Heeseung chokes for a second time on the dry air. His ears turning a bright shade of red as he lets out "Y/n and I aren't even friends at this point."

Heeseung's breath hitched for a bit as he recalls the night Jake offered to lend her his clothing. He couldn't tell why but he knew for a fact that he let his jealousy get the best of him.

His words carried weight and Sunghoon notices immediately so he takes the opportunity to continue, breaking the awkwardness around them.

"After that night, Kazuha hoped that I would encourage the idea of an affair but I couldn't. I grew sick from what-" Heeseung cuts him in immediately "Y/n would never encourage that. She not that type of person."

Sunghoon's eyebrows jump at that. A smirk on his face as Heeseung continues "She's not that type of person. She would probably withdraw herself from the situation so that she doesn't hurt you- you know?"

Sunghoon takes quick glance at Heeseung noticing the smile that crept onto his a face as he lets out "And you claim that you guys are just friends"

Heeseung groans a bit, wiggling his feet as he lets out "I don't know! I don't know what I feel for her! I just- she just means a lot to me and I'd hate to hurt her more than I already did."

Heeseung pouts at the last bit of his sentence as Sunghoon lets out "Take it from me, you need to get your shit figured because time doesn't stop just because you're confused."

Little did they know that Jay was just outside the room- eavesdropping on their entire conversation. Jay didn't know how to feel about what he had just discovered. A part of him felt hurt by the way Kazuha used him but the other half of him felt guilty about what Sunghoon faced.

The loud footsteps signals that the guys were returning- at that sound, Jay panics. Moments later, he finds himself in the washroom choking on tears as he closes the door behind himself.

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