Just friends.

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Heeseung makes his way home safely. Sending a message to Kazuha, he made sure to check in with her knowing that she wasn't staying at home. Kazuha confided in him, she made it clear to him that she felt guilty over how she reacted on the day of the argument.

She made it clear to him that she couldn't bring herself to face Y/n. She wanted her happy but somehow, she just keeps messing up.

Heeseung slips his phone into the pocket of his coat as he makes his way over to the living room with the others.

"Hyung, you're home?!" Ni-ki was shocked to see his older brother at home. Ever since the night of the argument, Heeseung only snuck into the dormitory while the others were at the company building.

He didn't have it in him to face the guys. He couldn't help but to have questions roam his mind every single time he looked at Jay.

What did Sunghoon mean?

Why would he say something like that?

Did something happen that he wasn't aware of?

He couldn't tell, he felt as if he was going crazy, maybe he was letting his feelings get the best of him. He made a mental note to ask Kazuha about it but after she vanished, he had no way of meeting her- given that she was very secretive about where she was staying.

Finally considering how the members must've felt, Heeseung responds with "Yes, yes I am." He looks over at Ni-ki, ruffling his hair a bit as he speaks again "I'm sorry for ignoring all of texts and calls. I just needed some time alone."

Heeseung notices the way both Jungwon and Jake nods over in his direction. Pursing his lips at that, Sunoo offers "We're ordering takeout- want us to get you anything?"

Shaking his head at that, he responds with "I already ate." He couldn't miss the way Jake narrowed his eyes over at him so he continues "With Y/n."

Jake's frown turned upside down at the mention of Y/n's name and strangely, Heeseung found himself smiling along with his younger brothers.

Jay and Sunghoon was nowhere to be seen in the moment but that didn't stop Heeseung from sitting down with the others- to bond a little.

"I kept making eye contact with her but she still didn't approach me!" Ni-ki frets, a pout on his lips as the others laugh at his shyness.

"I think she's purposely avoiding me!" Ni-ki continues as Heeseung shakes his head "She's not going to bite you. Next time you see her, just talk to her."

Jake cuts him in "Yeah, she's actually really cool! Heeseung hyung, I'm jealous that you got to her first!"

Heeseung gulps at the younger's statement, barely whispering "What are you saying?" A smile on his lips as he continues "We're just friends"

The guys couldn't hold back their teasing from Heeseung's reactions, figuring that it's too much, Heeseung bids them all a goodnight- moving into his room immediately closing the door behind himself.

Heeseung drops his figure onto the softness of his bed, as much as he wanted to think about the situation between Jay, Sunghoon and Kazuha, he couldn't.

Y/n was the only person on his mind as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning comes around quickly, Heeseung grew more and more excited with each text that he received from his friend.

Jake and Jungwon noticed his behavior- reaching for his phone during every chance he got. As soon as his phone chimed signaling that he had gotten notification, a huge smile would spread across his lips. 

The guys were happy that he was doing okay. They were convinced that with Y/n by his side, he would probably turn out okay after all.

Their practice session finished earlier than expected so the guys had planned to have a meal at a nearby hot pot place. Heeseung waves them off, telling them he had other plans already- Sunoo and Ni-ki wanted to protest but stopped when Jungwon glared at them.

Heeseung thanks the guys, promising to buy the next meal as he hurriedly made his way out of the company building and into his car. He made sure to stop for flowers before pulling up in the very familiar driveway.

Unlike the other days, Heeseung grew nervous as he rang the doorbell. And just as Y/n swings the door open, his smile grows larger than before.

What was happening to him?!

He couldn't quite figure that out.

All he knew is that he's happy to see his friend.

"Aww, you shouldn't have!" She chimes, accepting the flowers, placing in a vase alongside the others he had gotten her for the week so far, he lets out "The florist shop is on my way here, so why not?!"

"I'm running out of vases to put them in." Without even a second to waste, Heeseung says "Well, I guess I'll have to get some of those too."

Y/n purses her lips at his response as he slips out a question "Do you have any plans for today?" Heeseung wanted to pump a fist in the air when the woman before him shakes her head but he contains himself, nodding at her answer.

"We can catch a movie if you'd like or I don't know if you have something in mind?" His voice is soft as he plants his figure onto the couch beside her.

"Well, there's this bowling alley about an hour away- Kazuha and I used to go there a lot during our break." The woman lets in a cheery tone that went flat closer to the end.

Heeseung's heart ached a bit when the woman pouted, standing to his feet, he says "Well, we better leave now if we want to make it back before dark."

He couldn't help but to laugh as the woman pumped her fist into the air, squealing in excitement as she rushes over to her room- grabbing her jacket.

And with that, the car ride begins.

Heeseung scoffs for a third time as the woman hits a strike, leaving him in her dust. The woman holds a smug look on her face, bowing over as if she's royalty in his direction.

"Beat that, Bambi boy!" She teases and at that, he gives it his best shot- dropping the ball onto the surface hard, he quickly bows over at the staff- apologizing as Y/n only stifles her laughter.

Heeseung purses his lips, trying not to laugh but he couldn't hold back when Y/n bursts out laughing.

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