The morning after...

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The night was still young at this point. The two rented a karaoke room as planned, Heeseung grabs the control in one hand, holding his microphone in the other as he scrolls the through the many options trying to decide on what to sing.

Heeseung was overly excited. Not only because he made a friend outside of his group but because karaoke was his forte. He was given the title of karaoke king by his group and tonight, he was going to protect that title once again as he stands on the battlefield (the karaoke room).

Y/n stood in her corner, a little annoyed that Heeseung was taking well over five minutes to choose a song as she grabs the control out of his hand with none other than a poker face.

"I already have a song in mind." The woman lets out, typing in Bite me by Enhypen. Heeseung was definitely taken aback by that, his jaw practically grazing the floor as he looks over at her surprised.

"What? I came prepared!" Heeseung wasn't given a moment to react as Y/n speaks "I'll do the chorus- you do the rest." And with that the voice of Enhypen members fills the room.

"Come here and get some!" Y/n raps loudly as Heeseung's eyebrows shot up at that- a little impressed that she knew word for word as he places his microphone down, showing the woman their choreography.

Y/n puts her microphone down as she squeals "teach me!" Pumping her fist in the loud air, she tries her best to mimic Heeseung as he attempts to show her their original choreography with their dancers. 

Just as the chorus starts, Heeseung grips at her waist, pushing Y/n's head back a bit. His hands are fast as Y/n struggles to copy his moves- failing miserably, Y/n changes the song half way through with a pout resting on her lips.

Their voices fill the air as they belt out lyrics to Justin Bieber's- Hold on. Singing word for word as they leave all their troubles behind, smiling over at each other.

Heeseung's hands are faster this time, grabbing the control, switching to Justin Bieber's- Off my face. By this time-the third song in, Y/n was already tired. Karaoke was clearly not her forte but she stayed. She stayed seated, waving her hands in support of Heeseung who sang soulfully to the lyrics. It was as if she was hypnotized by his voice making it clear to her that Heeseung definitely had CD(s) for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

His eyes closed as she finally takes a moment to admire the man before her. Y/n smiled gracefully over at him, impressed with his pitch, wishing only the best for his future as an idol.

Just as the song comes to the end, Y/n erupts in to loud cheers as Heeseung bows over in her direction. He scans through the list of songs- singing a few more before finally deciding to save his voice for another time.

Throwing his jacket over his shoulder, he chuckles as Y/n breaks the silence "I feel like such a big shot" Heeseung eyes the woman weirdly, taking step after step beside her as she continues "I'm so honored to have an idol as a friend!"

Heeseung laughs at her words, retorting with "I'm sure you had no clue what idols even were before today!"

"I knew what idols were. I just never followed the K-pop culture that much apart from BTS. You know?" Heeseung nods over at her as she continues on "After Jake told me about karaoke, you should've seen me trying to practice in between classes."

Heeseung laughs for a second time, trying to imagine the same as he lets out "I'm impressed though. You actually got some of the moves right and most of the lyrics right!"

Y/n tucks a strand of hair behind her ear playfully accepting his compliment as they head in the direction of the the only missing thing before heading home: food.

Heeseung's alarm broke his peace as he wakes up a little tired this morning, the scent of freshly cooked pancake floods his nostrils as he makes his way over to the kitchen where most of his members were.

"Morning!" Jake greets, a smile on his face as he grabs a plate. Jake heard the door closing after 3am this morning, signaling that Heeseung was finally home, he made sure to tell the others with the thought of teasing the eldest in mind. Jungwon couldn't contain his smile, wiggling his eyebrows a few times as Heeseung greets them.

Ni-ki pushes at Sunoo's hand playfully as they stifle their laughter at the other end of the table. Heeseung notices and chooses to ignore them but as Jungwon places a plate down in front of him, his eyebrows jumps at the heart shaped pancakes.

"You told them?!" Heeseung's tone is laced with venom as he looks over at Jake who smiles charmingly over at him. 

"I'm sorry! I just got so happy because for once you weren't stuck at home complaining about your one sided love-"

Jungwon is quick to cut him in "There's nothing wrong with dating. To be honest, we're all quite relieved a bit now."

"Yeah, we saw things we weren't supposed to see-" Jungwon's statement is cut short as Ni-ki questions "Would it kill you to stay naked in your room?!"

Heeseung's anger dissolves just as fast as it appears when he takes in the words from his members. A smile tugs at his lips as the guys drop what they were doing, crowding around him with questions almost immediately.

"Is she pretty?"

"Are you going to see her again?"

"How did you guys meet?"

None of which he wanted to answer. Thankfully, Jake had already met her so he reassures the others "Her name is Y/n, she's very pretty and you'll all be meeting her later."

Heesung eyebrows shot up at the newfound information, choking on a bite of the pancake. Jake had the biggest grin on his face as he speaks "I felt bad about canceling our karaoke plans last night so I invited her over to our building later."

Jungwon is quick to cut in "Yeah, me too. We told her about the fan meet later and she actually offered to help. Isn't she sweet?!"

"She is but we agreed to just being friends." Heeseung speaks in between mouthfuls. Jungwon is quick with his words "Well, that's good to know!" Heeseung chokes on his food for a second time in one sitting- eye watering as he reaches for a glass of water.

Jake takes a look between the two, rubbing his hands together, he sings teasingly "Yeah, really good to know."

Heeseung eyebrows jump at that again, almost falling off his face at this point, "Don't do anything stupid" the eldest warns as he focuses his attention on devouring his pancakes as their words become nothing more than background noise.

Grabbing his phone, he made sure to send his friend another daily meme as he waits for her to respond. And when she does, he smiles lightly over at the notification, oblivious to the fact that he had been smiling a whole lot more since he's met her.

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