Chapter 1

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Harley's POV

Gotham was in shambles... The criminals were all loose out of Arkham and Black Gate, tearing the city apart. It was all the Gotham City Police Department could do, but even their best wasn't enough. All the top criminals were taking over: Twoface, the Penguin, even Scarecrow, that was only naming a few. The Joker grinned at the carnage that was being caused. There was too much going on for Bat brains to keep contained on his own. It was going exactly like the Joker had hoped. After all, he wasn't particularly a man with a plan.

I paced around the room as the Joker stared out the window. Everything going on outside was starting to worry me. And that was rare for anything the Joker did to scare or worry me. Things outside were getting out of hand, even with Batman and his crew, along with Commissioner Gordon, trying to get all the criminals back to where they belonged.

  "Mistah J? Why are we sitting in here when everybody else is outside taking on Bats," I asked a little impatiently.

"Because Harley, we're waiting for a chance to get away, my dear. With everybody else keeping Batbrain and his lackeys distracted it'll give us the chance to set the bomb and get out," the Joker responded with a maniacal laugh.

I smiled at my Puddin's laugh, "That sounds like fun Mistah J! Then you and I can live happily ever after!"

A squeal left my throat as I leapt at the Joker, wrapping my arms around him. But alas, he didn't want to be touched right then, and the end result was me flat on my ass holding my cheek in surprise and staring at him baffled. I don't know why I was ever surprised anymore when he'd hit me; after all, it was a daily occurrence. The Joker stared down at me coldly, his hand still raised from the backhand he had delivered. The Clown Prince of Crime raised an eyebrow at me as I felt my bottom lip quiver.

"How many times have I told you Harley? Don't mess up my suit!"

  I was trying so hard not to cry at that point. I hated it when the Joker lost his temper on me like that. My blue eyes stared at the floor and I couldn't help but sniffle. Then a realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I shot to my feet, grabbing his arm.

"But Puddin'! What about Red? And Catwoman? They're my-"

The crazed clown full on punched me this time, and I hit the ground harder than last time. He pulled me up by my blond hair and got in my face, scaring me.

"Harley, I don't care about the red headed hippie or the crazy cat lady!"

I could only look up at the Joker with pain in my eyes. Where would I be without Red when the Joker had thrown me out? I would probably be dead... He dropped me and scoffed at me.

"Don't ask anymore questions, Harley," he growled turning away from me to continue watching the carnage.

"Whatever you say, Mistah J," I muttered getting back up to my feet, wiping the blood from my cheek.

Suddenly, just when I was about to say something to the Joker, the window shattered and Batman himself came to his feet from a roll. His towering frame soared above my Puddin. Bat Brains didn't look too happy, his suit and cape torn up. I grabbed my bat and ran at Batman before he could do anything to Joker. The caped crusader ducked the swing and grabbed the bat, tearing it out of my grasp, causing me to fall forward. He broke the red and black bat over his knee before throwing a kick into my stomach that threw me backward.

"Welcome to the party, Bats," the Joker said, spraying a gas into the Dark Knight's face.

Batman punched the Joker only to fall back coughing.

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