22 § boyfriend is an insult

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I groaned picking up the incessant buzzing phone as the room filled with light. "Morning." I spoke after reading the name.

"Morning?! Morning? Is that all you have to say after I receive a call from Elijah telling me you joined a group of psychotic killers." I chuckled.

"Hi Rebekah, Hi Emily, How have you been? Oh just missing you so much at the end of the earth in a fools errand." She sighted.

"Hi." She sighted. I sat up stretching. "So what drove you to such a stupid, stupid decision?"

"Did you ever think that maybe in that group of psychotic killers is where I'll find my equals?" She scoffed, I could hear tambourine music playing on the other end. "And where are you?"

"First, you are not a psychotic killer, and second, I'm looking for a specific witch."

"You know the man who's heart I ripped out last night might beg to differ." Rebekah chuckled.

"Yeah, Elijah told me about that, with the way he said it, I'm just going to assume the sight was as hot as the dress you wore. He certainly thought it." I smiled remembering the picture I sent her.

"Yeah, my dress was stunning. So was I." I stood up as someone knocked on the door. "Speaking of your brother..." I opened the door to see Elijah wearing a black suit leaning on the frame.

"Is he there?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Hello? I'm a witch! I can't hear"

"Yes he just showed up, uninvited, and he sends his best regards to you," I turned around, "I'll talk to you later?" I hung up after a goodbye turning back towards him, he was still standing at the doorframe biting his lip as he looked at me.

"Hi." He smirked.

"Hi." He looked down at the hem of my very short night skirt before staring away.

"You can come in Elijah, you don't need to stand there." He closed the door behind him.

"I take it you found my gift?" He said looking towards the bathroom as he removed his jacket placing it neatly in a small chair.

"I did, though how you managed to find flowers and send them here before I made it up is still a mystery to me." He grinned making his way to the mirror to touch my make up and perfume curiously, he picked up the pack of cigarettes before dropping it. "What are you doing?" I asked playfully sitting on the bed.

"Well, I spent the morning compelling people to remove a dead body from the compound after Niklaus's ex returned." I frowned unable to see how the two things were related.

"She's the dead woman on the compound?" Elijah smiled turning to see me.

"She sent him a dead body, as an invitation. She's Tristan's younger sister." I widened my eyes half laying down in the bed.

"That sounds like someone Klaus would date." I laughed. Elijah cocked his head thinking.

"I'm afraid when he finds her-- she'll be, more then happy to turn him against me."

"How can she do that?" He walked to the bed sitting at the edge of it as he stared at his hands. I frowned at his state, Elijah rarely seemed out of words.

"I, huh, she was the first person I compelled." I stood up curious to what he meant. "I didn't even know what I was doing at the time, or what compulsion was, in a fit of rage I told her to never see Niklaus again, to believe he was a monster." My eyes widened, Elijah sounded like he was confessing for the first time.

"Klaus doesn't know." He shook his head.

"I can see why you might hate me for it." He looked at me, the expression of pain in his eyes, "I've never confessed of this to anyone before." Grabbing hold of his face I moved to straddle his hips.

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