23 § stupid things

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"You're not focusing." I scoffed as Marcel threw another punch at me that I barely avoided.

"Don't be so smug. I'm tired." I blocked his legs throwing mine so fast it hit him hard in the head.

"Tired? You're a vampire." I rolled my eyes. He took me by surprise grabbing my right hand to twist it. I janked it back holding it close to myself.

"Careful now." The stem of the flower had grown soggy and it was dying already, it didn't need to be ripped up.

"What?" Marcel looked at me confused, just as I was about to elaborate the door opened and Hayley walked in dragging someone behind her.

She grabbed a chair as we stared at her confused throwing the man there. "Oh, hey! Hold up, hold up." Marcel held his hand up as we saw who the man now sitting was.

"That's...?" I looked at Hayley terrified. We hadn't talked much since the day at the gym, but I'd had a phone call from her confirming that the packs were being wiped out. 

"One of your new gang members? Yeah, he was following me around the city until I caught him." I blinked.

"Hayley that's Shen Min." I said to her, she looked at the man then at me, like the name meant nothing to her.

"Did you bite him?" Marcel asked as he tied him up.

"Uh, is that supposed to hold him or something?" I asked unimpressed. "What would he want with you?" I shook my head pacing the room.

"I don't know, why don't we ask him?" I widened my eyes at her, this man was death walking with his two legs.

"Emily, call Elijah. Tell him who it is, what's going on?" I frowned.

"What's he gonna do?" Hayley asked. Marcel looked at us like it was the most obvious thing. I took my phone out, calling him anyway. He picked up on the second ring.

"Darling, as much as I love hearing your voice, this is the most inconvenient time." I raised my eyebrows looking wearily at Shen Min before picking up a stick from the floor and shoving in his abdomen.

"Blood loss to weaken him." I whispered to Marcel who stared at me wide eyes like I was a lunatic.

"Emily, where are you?" Elijah suddenly asked.

"Have you noticed how you say Emilia when you like something, then Emily when you're being serious?" I said turning around to pace the gym. Before he could utter a word I continued. "I was in the gym with Marcel, but, uh, Hayley caught one of Tristan's guys tailing her, knocked him out, bit him, brought him here for a little Q&A. Slight problem though... it's Shen Min." I grimaced waiting for him to speak. There was a small pause when...

"Marcellus." I tuned to look at Marcel who raised his head. "Do I need to remind you that Shen Min was known as the Red Sorrow before he was a vampire?"

"Why are you talking to him, I'm the one that called you." I added rolling my eyes.

"You execute him immediately." I hummed as Hayley crossed her arms restless.

"Yeah..." I dragged on, staring at her serious face. 

"Emily." I could practically imagine his face virtually.

"Got it. I'll text you when it's done." I hung up staring at the two of them. "I say we rip out his heart."

"No. No way. If the Strix wants me, I need to know why." I sighted, understanding where she was coming from. At the exact same time, Shen Min's head moved. We stood in front of him, he was sweating and drying from the lack of blood. How much of a threat could he be?

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