Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Tate Yenin, Age 19

Chicago, June

"...I just am not sure we're working, Tate."

I stare down into the cup of my latte, mesmerized by the art. I'm not quite sure what the barista was going for, but the latte art looks like maybe a horse? Or a leaf?


I blink, looking up.

Oh. Right.

Carter Willis and I have been dating for several months now. I met him at freshman orientation at Loyola last August. We played cat and mouse for a few months, hooked up a few times, before Carter finally convinced me that he was boyfriend-material. Whatever the fuck that actually means.

Sympathetic deep brown eyes meet mine.

Okay, so I guess Carter got a little tired of me after all.


I'm not the affectionate, loving girlfriend that he signed on for.

The sex was good – sure. It was all the other lovey-dovey, affectionate stuff that came along with said relationship that I was never so great at. I'm not at all surprised that he's over it. I am, however, surprised that he has the nerve to break up with me. I'm the one who tried to break it off with him months ago. I'm a sucker for pretty eyes though. Plus, the sex was decent enough.

I sort of drilled the nails in the coffin of our relationship when I told him I wasn't planning on coming back to Loyola in the fall.

Alas. Here we are.

"To clarify," I clear my throat, swirling my spoon in the latte, ruining the weird, demented artwork, "You're dumping me?"

Carter looks pained.

" know I care about you..."

I narrow my eyes at him.

"Can you just give me a straight answer?" I ask, slightly frustrated that he can't just get to the point. The least he can do is say it.

"Yes. Okay. Yes. I think we should break up," Carter sputters.

I wrinkle my nose, suddenly disgusted by his spinelessness.

I take a long sip of my coffee before placing it down carefully on the table.

"You're leaving Loyola..." he starts, running a hand over his hair.

"My parents live less than a half-hour from's not like I'll be in Mexico," I give Carter a look. "The least you could do is come up with a viable reason."

He runs both hands through his hair now.

I take another long sip of my drink, waiting for his answer with as much patience as I can muster.

Carter Willis is a nice enough guy. He's charming and funny but kind of a douchebag. I've always liked a guy that could keep me on my toes. I thought Carter was that guy. That's why I agreed to an exclusive relationship. Apparently, he's just as useless as most men I know.

"You're cold, Tate."

"Cold?" I scoff.

"I like...affection! I like feeling like the woman I'm seeing actually wants me."

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