Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I haven't see Zane in almost two weeks. He doesn't show up at my dorm to walk me to class with a toffee latte. It's for the best anyway. And I'm not surprised. I shouldn't have treated him that way. I'm self-aware enough of myself to know that what I did was wrong.

But I never should have put myself in a situation with him in the first place.

What in the fucking hell was I even thinking?

I'm studying for my Ethics class when Sophie jumps on the sofa beside me.

I offer her a smile. "Yes? How can I assist you today?"

Sophie leans back, kicking her feet up on the table. "You've been emo."

"What?" I laugh. "No I haven't."

"You didn't come out with us last weekend. And you've been locking yourself in your room to study a lot."

"Well...classes are heating up and-"

Sophie holds her hand up and waves dismissively. "I don't want to hear your excuses. I have known you for 19 years of life, Tate Yenin. I know when something has got you down." She cocks her head, studying me. "Is this about Carter?"

"What?" I scoff. I hardly remembered that loser's name, let alone gave him enough space in my mind to take up any of my thoughts.

"Okay, not that," Sophie pops her lips in thought. "Maybe Chase? Still being distant?"

"A little," I sigh, admitting. Too terrified to tell my cousin the real reason my head's been all over the place.

I hate that I gave anyone so much power over me. Especially someone as infuriating as Zane fucking Sokolov.

Sophie pouts. "Do you want me to have a stern talking to him?"

"God, please. I'd love to see that."

Sophie grins and puts her arms around me, giving me one of her famous Sophie hugs. I instantly feel at ease in her embrace. I tighten my grip on her and she kisses my cheek before I let her pull away.

"What's got you down, Tate? Really?" she asks quietly. "I know you. And I know something is up."

I bite my lip and shake my head.

The door opens. Imogen and Ariana walk in. Ariana's got tears running down her cheeks and is sniffling miserably.

"What's wrong?" I ask in a panic.

Sophie pulls Ari into her, letting Ari curl up in her lap. Imogen rubs her back lovingly.

"She failed her first exam..." Imogen says softly.

"I'm not cut out for this college shit," Ariana sniffles.

"Tests don't matter," Sophie scoffs. "Especially considering you're going to be a bad ass dancer-ballerina queen, anyway!"

"I suck ass at that too!" Ariana cries. "I think this whole college thing was maybe a mistake..."

"No," I shake my head and grip her delicate hand. "Don't beat yourself up. The first semester is always hard. You'll get your groove."

"Exactly," Imogen nods in agreement.

Ariana lets out a breath, blowing her dark strands of hair out of her face.

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