Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


It's a strange thing being in love with someone. There are still moments where I get afraid. Afraid to lose Zane. One simple look from him quells my fears. I know I'm hard to love. I know people think I'm cold. It turns out, I don't really give a fuck what they think. He knows me, and his opinion is all that matters.

There's still so much to worry over with growing tension with the Knights and the Cosa Nostra, but it's nice to have someone's hand to hold through things.

They couldn't technically prove who threw the Molotov cocktails and started the fire at the Knights mansion since Owen was able to shut down the camera and security. However, it's a pretty clear fucking message.

Don't fuck with the Black Wolves.

They thought they could try to Zane. The man I love. They thought they could hurt him and get away with it. They clearly don't know who they're dealing with.

With all the tension, it seems like a strange time for Parents' Weekend here at Legacy U. However, it is tradition, I suppose.

Uncle Ronan and Aunt Mira rented out an entire pub for just our family, friends, and close allies to get dinner together. If there is one thing my family knows how to do it's party.

I'm pacing my room nervously. I can't seem to help myself.

This is the first time my parents and Chase are seeing each other after several months. I know they've spoken, but I know there's still a lot over Chase's head regarding everything that happened.

Imogen is zipping up her thigh-high boots and gives me a wary look.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

I shrug, wringing my hands together despite myself. What if Chase cold-shoulders Mom and Dad? How will I be able to contain myself?

Imogen seems to read my mood and gives me a long-Imogen-style hug. They are some of the best hugs on earth. I let her hold me tight.

There's a small knock on the door before Ariana and Sophie appear, fully ready to go.

"For once we beat you both at getting ready," Sophie teases. She sees my face and her smile instantly falls.

They surround me in a group hug, which I pretend makes me gag, but inside it's warming my heart. I love these girls. My cousins, my best friends...they're my everything. I don't know who I would be without them.

Ari kisses my cheek. "Everything is going to be alright, T."

"I just hope they can get back to a good place," I sigh.

"They will," Ari squeezes me.

There's a louder knock on the main suite door.

"We're late. Dad's gonna murder us," Ari mutters, checking her watch. "Let's go!"

All of us walk towards the door. Imogen opens the door, revealing Zane standing there. He gives me his famous crooked smile, which somehow puts my uneasiness at bay. I try not to fall into his arms like a pathetic heap, especially in front of my cousins, but it's nearly impossible.

Zane kisses the top of my head and breathes me in. I rest my cheek on his chest.

He squeezes me, not needing to ask if I'm okay. He already knows my anxiety about my family being together for the first time in so long today.

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