Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Monday morning I stand outside of Tatiana's dormitory waiting with a toffee latte and a cheese and nut Danish. Her favorite, of course.

After much debate, I decide that showing her exactly who I am will be easier than trying to play this game on her wavelength. If I played the way she plays, we'd be cat and mouse for years before she finally admitted her feelings for me.

Nah. We'll play this my way. And I won't give up just because she bats her eyes at some other guys in front of me.

Renat opens the door first, clearing the area. When his eyes land on me, he cocks a dark brow at me. I smirk and wave playfully at him. Tate emerges a moment later. I grin when I see she's dyed her purple streaks pink over the weekend. Not green as I requested, but alas. She'll give in to me eventually.

She looks gorgeous, but that's not uncommon. Today she wears a little black skirt paired with a worn-down Black Sabbath t-shirt.

"Tatiana!" I grin.

Tate's eyes widen ever so slightly when she sees me before quickly narrowing. I love throwing her off. It might actually be my favorite thing – right up there with pissing my brother off.

Chase Yenin's words still echo through my mind warning me against her, calling her a cold-blooded killer.

"For you," I offer the drink and brown paper bag containing her Danish.

Tate eyes them suspiciously.

"What is this?" she asks, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"What else?" I grin as she examines the bag.

"I mean...what are you doing here?" she moves her finger back and forth between us. "I thought you were over this little...obsession."

"What would make you think that?"

"That you've ignored me for over a week. A very blissful week, might I add." Tate grins like she can't help herself. Funny girl.

I throw my arm over her easily and start walking us towards class. To my surprise, she lets me. I watch as she takes a long sip of her toffee latte. Her eyes flutter closed and I can tell she's trying to stifle a groan of enjoyment.

"You're allowed to admit you missed me," I murmur playfully.

"But that would be a lie. And lying is wrong, little prince."

I chuckle as we move towards the crowd of the quad.

"You know, I was thinking..." I start. "There's this art show this weekend. The grad students put it on. It's average, at best. But something to do other than party on this... 'god-forsaken-rock' as you like to call it."

"Cool?" Tate gives me a look.

"I thought we could go together!" I grin.

"Why on earth would I want to do that?" she asks, taking another long sip of her drink.

I shrug. "To hang out with me."

Tate's hazel eyes scan me head to toe.

"Did you fall on your head over the weekend?" she asks.

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