Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Zane had a long day of physical therapy and I can tell he's exhausted. After we eat, he falls asleep watching our trashy reality TV. I sneak out to take our leftovers downstairs to see if any of the guys want any.

When I get to the kitchen, Aleks, Leo, Josh, Chase, Eli, and Owen are standing around talking in hushed voices.

"Hey," I nod, giving them a purposeful look before placing the leftover Thai takeout in the fridge. "Unofficial kitchen meeting, huh?"

Josh and Aleks share a meaningful look. Josh cocks his head as if implying I should be included in whatever they're speaking of.

Aleks sighs a bit and turns to me.

"We have a plan."

"Finally. I was about to go rogue," I say, only half-kidding.

I want Anton Gallo to burn and rot in hell.

Aleks seems to read me.

"We can't attack Anton."

"Why?" I snap.

"Trust me, other than you, no one wants to hurt Anton Gallo more than I fucking do. But..." Aleks takes a deep breath, exhaling from his nose, as if trying to contain his own rage, "That's what they are expecting us to do."

He has a point.

I cross my arms and lean against the counter.

"So?" I snap, looking around the room, narrowing my eyes at Chase. "What's the plan?"

Owen clears his throat and opens up the laptop that is sitting on the kitchen counter. All of us turn to look at it. Black and white security footage pops up from various camera angles.

All of the Knights mansion.

"How did you get access to this?" I ask.

"We had a little help," Aleks grits down his jaw.

"You've got someone on the inside?" I ask curiously.

"Not exactly," Josh winces.

They're keeping something from me. I wish Ariana were here. She's apparently good at getting Josh Callahan to admit to things.

"It doesn't matter how we got this access. What matters is we can control it from this computer. We can cut the cameras. We can also disarm their entire security system with the press of a button," Aleks says.

"So, what? You're planning a full attack on their home?"

Aleks shakes his head. "A warning."

"An incident," Leo adds. That was the word they used to describe what happened to Zane when Anton stabbed him. An "incident." They'll pay.

"Tell me more..." I eye the camera feed of the front of the Knights mansion.

"What are your thoughts on Molotov cocktails?" Eli smirks at me.

I cock my brow at him. "You want to start a fire?"

Aleks points at the camera feed. "They need to feel as disarmed as we have the last few months. They need to understand what it's like to lose."

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