Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Zane Sokolov is driving me insane.

He shows up every morning like clockwork to "walk me to class." Which is ridiculous. I don't need anyone to walk me to class. Especially not him. How in the fuck does he even know my schedule, anyway?

He's growing exhausting.

Every morning, he brings me a coffee. Which is annoyingly good. Then he talks my ear off. He'll ask me questions about myself, and even when I don't answer, he continues the conversation as if I'm not ignoring his very presence.

He's relentless.

Sure, I could easily kick him in the nuts or sick Renat on him.

I probably should.

I don't know why I don't, but thinking about it too hard makes me itchy.

It's Friday morning when Zane pops up like clockwork. Today, he not only has a coffee for me, but a Danish too.

Cheese and nut, my favorite.

Damn him.

I try to hide my enjoyment of said treat as he talks.

"Are you and the girls coming to the full moon party tonight?" he asks.

Ugh. The damn Black Wolves monthly full moon party. Apparently, it's all the rage around here to go. A night of complete chaos and debauchery. It's a hardcore party, or so I'm told.

Of course this means Sophie, Ariana, and Eva are desperate to go. Naturally, I'll be tagging along to help Imogen rein them in.

"I might be there. I might not," I shrug vaguely.

"I love when you pretend to not give a shit. It's so endearing."

I give Zane a look, but he's only grinning at me with those dumb dimples. God, he's infuriating!

"Maybe you'll play hide-and-seek with me, hmm?" Zane asks playfully.

"Not in a million years, Sokolov."

"Aw, come on. We used to play when we were little. Or don't you remember?"

"That was innocent fun. I know exactly what 'hide-and-seek' means to the Wolves..." I grunt. I had to explain it all to Ariana last night when she was asking about it. She looked horrified at the concept of Wolves in masks essentially hunting down people they wanted to screw around with in the woods.

I tried to explain to my cousin's virginal ears that some people are into that sort of...kink.

"Do you think Josh is into that kind of thing?" she'd asked.

Imogen, Sophie, and I just stared at her blankly as her cheeks went crimson red.

"He's a pig so it wouldn't surprise me!" she'd huffed.

I eye Zane suspiciously, wondering what kind of unhinged sexual shit he's probably into.

He cocks a brow at me, as if reading my mind.

I roll my eyes and continue on our walk towards the business building.

Zane races ahead of me to get the door and hold it for me.

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