Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I stare at Tate, willing her to look at me.

Spoiler alert: she doesn't.

She's good at that.

This morning, I woke up with her in my arms. It was the best feeling on the fucking planet. So what if I had to take a beating? There are worst things if the end result means waking up in the love of my life's arms.

Tate got the first charter jet off the island the following morning to Dublin. I insisted on joining. Which means Aleks insisted on joining.

When Imogen Donnelly climbed up the steps to the plane with a bag over her shoulder, I thought Aleks might actually physically remove her from our presence.

"What are you doing here?" he snapped at her.

"This is a family matter. I could ask you the same thing. I'm not letting my cousin go anywhere alone with you," Imogen had replied easily.

She sits beside Tate like her own personal guard-dog.

Imogen is scary as fuck. She's got all that mother-hen energy that screams 'stay the fuck away.'

I wouldn't fuck with her. I tell Aleks that. He just gives me an annoyed look and ignores us all in favor of his phone.

Tate looks out the window and won't look at me. I know she regrets things that happened. I know she's still got a lot of feelings. Anger, distrust, relief, rage, guilt...

There's nothing to forgive. At least on my end.

I'm sure she's still hurt I didn't give in and tell her, but I made Chase a promise.

The flight into Dublin isn't long. Tate all but runs off the plane, Imogen hot on her tail. I linger behind with Aleks, who eyes my injuries suspiciously.

"That hurt?" he asks, pointing to my lip.

"Fuck off." I shove my brother's hand away. Imogen and Tate's guards have two SUVs waiting for us. Of course, they get into one and Aleks and I get into the other.

"I still don't understand how they managed to find out," Aleks mutters in Russian as he stares at his phone angrily.

"Ariana tricked Josh somehow. I'm not quite sure."

"Minx. And what of the ona d'yavol? The boring one?" he asks, still not looking up from his phone, like he can't be fucked.

"Imogen? Who knows. She's got a lot of connections in Dublin with her family name."

"She's shifty and I don't fucking like her."

"You don't like anyone," I remind him playfully.

The cars enter an inconspicuous suburb. It's a quiet, one-way street where every house looks exactly the same. The safehouse sits subtly on the corner of two streets.

Tate and Imogen emerge from the SUV first. Tate looks devastating in her black bodysuit and black jacket, designer sunglasses hiding any emotion on her face.

"Showtime," I smirk. Aleks grumbles as he pushes his own sunglasses down over his eyes.

Tate knocks repeatedly on the front door. We're flanked by two of the girls' guards. Renat, I notice, gives me a narrow-eyed look.

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