Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


"...and you packed your winter coat this time? Did you grab Chase's?" Dad asks.

"Yes, father."

He gives me a look.

"Don't be a brat, l'venok."

Mom sputters a laugh before pulling me into a hug.

"You know he always gets moody when either of his cubs leave the cave," Mom kisses my cheek before turning to Zane and Aleks. "I don't know what to say to thank you both."

"No thanks necessary, Ms. Donnelly," Aleks says.

"Please, I told you to call me Nessa. I've known you both since you were in diapers. Actually, Aleks your mom was knocked up with you the first time we met. She just didn't know it yet."

"Mother," I sigh.

"Sorry," Mom grins. She puts her arm around Imogen. "Thanks for taking care of my girl, Gen."

"Always," Imogen smiles, pushing her glasses up.

The flight attendant lets us know we're ready for boarding. Aleks gives my dad a final handshake before climbing up the stairs into the jet. Imogen follows, leaving Zane and I standing with my parents.

Zane clears his throat awkwardly as Dad zeroes in on him.

"Whatever this is," Dad points between the two of us, "Just know I won't hesitate to put you in a body bag if I have to. My friendship with Alexei be damned."

"Understood, sir," Zane grins. Those dimples, damn him.

"Papochka, the territorial father act is very antiquated," I grumble.

"I agree!" Mom chimes before kissing Zane's cheek. "Be careful. Let us know as soon as you land back on Gilmore."

"Will do," Zane nods.

"Meet you in there," I tell him. He gives my father one last wary look before climbing up the stairs. "I'll miss you both."

"You'll see us soon," Mom says.

"You can always drop out," Dad says at the same time.

I roll my eyes, laughing a bit as I give them both one last hug goodbye.

"That boy is in love with you," Mom mutters under her breath.

I bite my lip and give her a look, although I can't bring myself to argue it. Because I think she might be right. And I think I might be feeling...similarly. It's hard to tell because I've never felt this way before.

Mom seems to read it all on my face.

She gives my dad a meaningful look.

"Don't be afraid, l'venok," she whispers. "Life is too short."

Dad puts his arm around her lovingly and offers me a small smile.

"Love you guys."

Mom blows me a kiss as I get on the plane.

Zane's got a seat saved for me, a brown paper bag with my name on it sits on the table.

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