Arjun as Hermit

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Arjun awoke with a start, his heart pounding. He'd had the same dream again, the one where he was back in the forest, fighting for his life against hordes of demons and rakshasas. His breath came in ragged gasps as he scanned the familiar surroundings of his hermitage.

The thatched roof, the earthen floor, the few meager possessions he owned - it was all so familiar, Yet, a cold sweat broke out on his brow as he remembered the terror of the dream, the feeling of being hunted and pursued, never safe for even a moment.

He sat up, running his fingers through his unkempt hair, and looked out at the trees beyond. It was another day in exile, another day spent honing his skills, meditating, and praying for the day when he would finally be able to return to his family and his kingdom.

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, painting the sky a brilliant shade of orange and pink. Arjun sighed heavily, his heart still racing from the nightmare. He knew that he shouldn't dwell on it, but it was hard not to when they seemed so real, so vivid.

He decided to take a walk through the forest, hoping that the fresh air and the sounds of nature would help clear his mind. The forest was alive with activity, birds singing their morning songs, squirrels chattering to one another, and insects buzzing about their business.

As he walked, Arjun found himself automatically reaching for his bow and arrows, even though he knew there was no danger here. It was a habit he'd formed over the years, a way of always being ready for whatever might come his way.

Eventually, he came to a small clearing where he often practiced his archery. He unstrung his bow and began to stretch, loosening up his muscles and preparing for his daily routine.

As he took aim at a nearby target, he felt a sense of peace and focus wash over him. For a moment, he could almost forget about the nightmare and the years of exile. His movements were fluid and graceful, each arrow flying through the air with deadly precision.

He lost track of time as he immersed himself in his practice, the sun climbing higher into the sky and casting dappled shadows across the clearing.

As he reached for another arrow, he noticed a small movement in the bushes nearby. His heart skipped a beat, instincts taking over as he readied himself for a potential attack. Slowly and silently, he crept towards the bushes, his bow drawn and an arrow nocked.

Peering through the leaves, he saw a young deer, its coat spotted with frost from the early morning chill. It seemed unaware of his presence, its delicate nose twitching as it grazed on a nearby patch of tender grass. Arjun's heart softened at the sight of the innocent creature, and for a moment, he hesitated.

He had not eaten this morning, and the meat would provide him with sustenance for days. Yet, something inside him held back.

With a sigh, he lowered his bow and stepped away from the bushes. The deer startled at the movement, its large doe eyes meeting his for a brief moment before it bounded off into the safety of the forest. Arjun watched it go, a mixture of emotions coursing through him.

He felt a pang of guilt for having frightened the animal, but also a sense of pride in his restraint. It was a small victory, but it reminded him of the code he lived by, even in exile.

He turned back towards his practice area, gathering up his arrows and unstringing his bow. Perhaps today would be the day when he could finally return to his life, his family, and his kingdom.

Until then, he would continue to train, honing his skills and preparing for whatever challenges might await him. The forest was his home, and he would protect it with his life..

The Longing Heart: Arjun and Subhadra's Tale of Exile Where stories live. Discover now