Virat War

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Duryodhan waged a war against Virat forcing Pandavas to come out of Aagyatvas.

Arjun stood tall and strong, his bow in hand, as he faced the Kaurava army in the midst of the forest. It was during his exile when he and his brothers were living in disguise, known as the Agyatvas. The Kauravas had discovered their whereabouts and had come to attack. Arjun knew he had to protect his family at all costs.

As the battle began, Arjun's arrows flew swiftly and accurately, striking down his enemies with precision. The Kauravas were no match for his skill and bravery. "Do not underestimate the power of righteousness," Arjun called out to his foes.

Duryodhana, the leader of the Kaurava army, sneered at Arjun. "You may have the gods on your side, but we have numbers on ours. You cannot defeat us all."

Arjun's eyes blazed with determination as he replied, "It is not about numbers, but about righteousness and justice. I fight for what is right, and I will not be swayed."

The battle raged on, with Arjun and the Kauravas locked in a fierce struggle. Arjun's arrows continued to rain down upon his enemies, each one finding its way to escape .

As the battle continued, Arjun realized that the Kauravas were too numerous and powerful for him to defeat single-handedly. In a moment of inspiration, he decided to use his divine weapon, the Gandiva bow, to put his enemies to sleep .

With a swift motion, Arjun strung his bow and shot a magical arrow into the sky. The arrow split into hundreds of smaller arrows, each one glowing with a golden light. As they rained down upon the battlefield, the Kaurava soldiers began to feel drowsy and their eyelids grew heavy.

One by one, the Kauravas fell into a deep sleep, their weapons slipping from their grasp as they slumbered peacefully. Arjun's family and allies watched in awe as he single-handedly defeated the entire enemy army with his extraordinary skill and divine power.

As the last of the Kauravas drifted off to sleep, Arjun turned to Uttar and his brothers ,said, "We must leave this place now, before they awaken. Let us continue our exile in safety."

And so, Arjun and his brothers left the battlefield, leaving behind the sleeping Kaurava army as a testament to the power of righteousness and justice. They continued their journey.

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