The Miracle of Words

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One day, as Subhadra was performing her daily prayers, Parthvi sat silently beside her, playing with her toys. Subhadra looked at her daughter lovingly and muttered a small prayer for her well-being.

Subhadra sat in her chambers, her heart heavy with worry as she watched her daughter, Parthvi, play in silence. She had not spoken a word since she was born, and now, at the age of three, Subhadra's heart ached with the silence that surrounded her precious child.

Subhadra tears streaming down her face said " Oh, my dear Parthvi, why do you not speak? Have I not loved you enough? Have I not taken care of you with all my heart?"

Subhadra knelt before her daughter, her hands folded in prayer as she whispered fervent invocations to the gods, seeking their blessings for her daughter's voice to be heard.

Subhadra almost sobbing " Please, o mighty gods, grant my daughter the gift of speech. Let her voice ring out like the sweetest melody, filling our hearts with joy and light."

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but still, Parthvi remained silent. Subhadra's prayers grew more fervent, her devotion unwavering as she sought a miracle for her beloved daughter.

"May you always be blessed with happiness and wisdom, my dear Parthvi," she said softly.

Parthvi looked up at her mother and smiled. This was a rare sight for Subhadra, who had grown accustomed to her daughter's silence. But today, something felt different. As Subhadra continued her prayers, she could sense a shift in the air.

Suddenly, Parthvi stood up and walked towards her mother. With a determined look in her eyes, she opened her mouth and said her first words, "Maa."

Subhadra's heart skipped a beat as she looked at her daughter in astonishment. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she pulled Parthvi into a tight embrace.

"Oh, my dear child, you have finally spoken! My prayers have been answered," Subhadra said, her voice filled with emotion.

Parthvi hugged her mother back and whispered, "Maa, I love you."

Subhadra felt a wave of happiness wash over her as she held her daughter close. For in that moment, she knew that Parthvi was truly a blessing from the gods above. And as they sat there together, basking in the glow of their love, Subhadra knew that nothing in the world could ever break the bond between a mother and her daughter.

As the news of Parthvi's miracle spread throughout the kingdom, people came from far and wide to witness the wonder. They marveled at the bond between mother and daughter, and at the power of Subhadra's unwavering faith.

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