Whom Do You Love Most?.

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One day, young Abhimanyu sat with his mother Subhadra, curious and eager to know whom she loved most among his father Arjun, himself, and his sister Parthvi. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he asked, "Maa, tell me, whom do you love the most?"

Subhadra smiled at her son's question, knowing the depth of love she held for each of her family members. She gently placed a hand on Abhimanyu's shoulder and replied, "My dear son, each of you holds a special place in my heart. Your father Arjun is my beloved husband, my companion in life. You, Abhimanyu, are the light of my eyes, my pride and joy. And your sister Parthvi, she is my precious little angel, the apple of my eye."

Abhimanyu looked thoughtful, processing his mother's words. "But, mother, if you had to choose just one," he persisted, "who would it be?"

Subhadra chuckled softly, her eyes filled with love. "My dear Abhimanyu, love is not something that can be measured or compared. Each of you brings a unique kind of love to my life, filling it with joy and happiness in different ways. Your father's strength and wisdom, your sister's innocence and laughter, and your own courage and determination - each of you completes me in a different way."

Abhimanyu nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I see, maa. Love is not about choosing one over the other, but about cherishing each person for who they are and the unique bond we share."

Subhadra smiled, her heart swelling with pride at her son's insight. "Exactly, Abhimanyu. Love is boundless and infinite, flowing freely among us all. I love each of you with all my heart, and my love for one does not diminish the love I have for the others."

Abhimanyu hugged his mother tightly, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over him. "Thank you, maa, for teaching me the true meaning of love. I am grateful to have you as my maa, and I promise to cherish and love each member of our family just as you do."

And as the sun set on another day in their peaceful abode, the bond between mother and son grew even stronger, rooted in the understanding and appreciation of the love that bound them together. Subhadra watched her son with pride, knowing that he had taken her words to heart and was on the path to becoming a wise and loving man.

As they sat together in the fading light, surrounded by the love and warmth of their family, Subhadra felt a profound sense of gratitude. She was thankful for the love that filled her life, for the lessons she had learned along the way, and for the strong bond that connected her to each member of her family.

And as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Subhadra closed her eyes, her heart full of love and contentment. She knew that no matter what the future held, as long as they had each other, they would always find happiness and strength in their united love.

The Longing Heart: Arjun and Subhadra's Tale of Exile Where stories live. Discover now