Her Remarkable Resilience

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Subhadra, the beautiful and spirited princess, stood on the balcony of her new home, gazing out at the lush greenery that surrounded her. It had been many years since she had left the comforts of her palace to live separately from her husband, Arjun, and his noble brothers during their exile period.

As she took in the serene beauty of her surroundings, Subhadra felt a sense of peace wash over her. Despite the distance from her beloved family, she was grateful for the solitude and tranquility that had become her sanctuary.

In the mornings, she would rise with the first light of dawn and wander through the fields, admiring the vibrant flowers and listening to the sweet melodies of the birds. The fresh air filled her lungs and rejuvenated her spirit, reminding her of the simple pleasures in life.

"Gudiya is studying now,don't disturb her Kanha" warned Revati, beautiful wife of Balram.

"I won't come inside but I will train my little nephew to be just like his father"smiled Krishna as he patted Abhimanyu lovingly.

During the day, she would immerse herself in her studies, honing her skills in archery and combat. She had always been a fierce and determined warrior, and she refused to let her talents diminish in the absence of her husband and his brothers.

With each arrow she released, she felt a surge of pride and strength, knowing that she was capable of defending herself in their absence.

In the evenings, she would sit under the starry sky, reflecting on the teachings of her ancestors and the wisdom they had imparted to her. She found solace in the ancient scriptures and the stories of great warriors and fearless women who had shaped the course of history.

She would often narrate stories of Pandu, Pitamah Bhishm and many others to young Abhimanyu instilling him values which otherwise Arjun would impart.

Despite the challenges of living separately from her family, Subhadra embraced her independence and relished the opportunity to grow and evolve as an individual.

"Maa when Pitashree will come!?" asked a little Abhimanyu lying on her mother's lap.

"The day you will become an archer and a warrior,your Pitashree will come back"reply Subhadra hiding her tears from her son.

She had always been a dutiful wife and a devoted sister, but now she had the chance to discover her true essence and pursue her aspirations with unwavering determination.

As the months passed, Subhadra's courage and resilience only grew stronger, and she became a beacon of inspiration for the women around her.

She reveled in the knowledge that she was capable of thriving on her own, but she also looked forward to the day when she would be reunited with her beloved husband, Arjun, and his brothers.

Through her unwavering faith and unwavering spirit, Subhadra had transformed her solitary existence into a beautiful chapter in her life, one filled with strength, grace, and the eternal pursuit of knowledge and growth.

And when the time came for her to rejoin her family, she would do so with a heart full of wisdom and a spirit that had been forged through the trials and triumphs of her separate journey.

The Longing Heart: Arjun and Subhadra's Tale of Exile Where stories live. Discover now