Chapter 4: Getting a Job

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Lena stepped into the main entrance of the big four-story boutique. She arrived thirty minutes earlier than the set interview time to take a look around and get to know the store and its staff.

It was comfortably cool inside. The color palette was calmingly neutral. There were several fully upholstered chairs and benches with backrests and armrests. And there was a faint scent of peppermint.

The staff wore a khaki-colored apron on top of their pastel-colored athleisure outfits. They also sported cushy grey sneakers.

She was imagining making a sketch of the interesting scene in front of her when someone approached her. The woman introduced herself as Desi, the HR secretary, and asked Lena to follow her to the HR manager's office.

The two went to the back of the store and boarded a glass elevator. There was a flight of wooden stairs right next to the elevator.

The light and airy third floor housed the offices of the middle management. Behind the interior glass walls were soft off-white curtains. Desi knocked on the second door to the left. A gentle voice bid them to enter.

Inside the spacious office was a dainty desk and behind, sitting in an equally dainty cushioned swivel chair, was a woman who looked like she was in her mid-fifties. She was wearing a pale-pink floral-printed dress. It was quite a pretty design. It reminded Lena of cherry blossoms.

"Would you get us some tea and biscuits, Desi?" requested the HR manager, Angelique Reyes, as it said on the engraved wooden nameplate.

Desi promptly nodded and left.

"Please, have a seat," Ms. Reyes bid Lena, indicating the two cushioned seats in front of her desk.

Lena took the chair on the left. Just then Desi knocked and entered with a large tray. She set the tray on a side table and handed Lena and Ms. Reyes a cup of peppermint tea, a plate of lemon biscuits, and a few napkins. She then excused herself.

"Try the tea and biscuits, Lena," coaxed Ms. Reyes.

Lena shyly took a sip of the tea and a bite of a biscuit. Her eyes widened and sparkled.

"Taste good?"

Lena smiled and nodded. She made a mental note of finding a gym—very soon.

Ms. Reyes laughed, as if she knew what Lena was thinking.

"Anyway," she began. "May I see your sample works?"

Lena pulled out a file folder and handed it to Ms. Reyes. Just then someone knocked. Ms. Reyes called the person in. A tall bearded, pony-tailed man entered. Ms. Reyes introduced him as Brian, the creative director. He waved at Lena, and Lena waved back.

"Enjoy the tea and biscuits, dear, while we look at your sample works," Ms. Reyes told her, to which Lena happily obliged.

After several minutes of leafing through Lena's works, Ms. Reyes set down the folder. Lena dabbed her mouth with a napkin.

"Your résumé and sample works are quite impressive," Brian told her. "Your ideas for maternity dresses are spot on."

"Thank you, sir." Lena was smiling widely. She had prepared the designs only a day ago after browsing their online store.

"Please. Call me Brian. Not Sir Brian," he told her. "I'm not as old as Ms. Reyes here."

Ms. Reyes rolled her eyes.

"A-ny-way," she said while glaring at the creative director, "we would like to hire you."

"Really?" Lena felt like clapping and even jumping.

"Really," Brian assured her.

"Would a Monday-to-Friday schedule of eight-to-twelve be okay with you?"

"Yes, that would be great!"

"We offer above industry-standard pay rates."

"Thank you, ma'am!"

Ms. Reyes smiled and Brian chuckled lightly.

"Go over the contract with Desi. And if everything else also suits you fine, you can start on Monday, next week."

Lena nodded. Then Ms. Reyes and Brian held out their hands. Lena shook each enthusiastically.

"We do hope to see you next week," Ms. Reyes said.

"Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, sir—"

"Uh-uh. Brian, please."

"Thank you, Brian."

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