Chapter 27: Wistfully Thinking

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Lena meticulously arranged the wildflowers at the bottom of the large marble headstone. She read the engraving once again.

Nicolas Paolo Tolentino

July 7, 1987 – October 25, 2023

Beloved son and brother

Far at the back was a small bronze marker that she badly wanted to smash. She couldn't believe that the jackass was Nico's nephew. She shamelessly danced with joy when she heard of the jackass's death. He had overdosed on sleeping pills, a month after his arraignment. Although Lena had wanted him to suffer behind bars, she was grateful beyond words that she didn't have to suffer through months and perhaps even years of litigation. And the thought of having to see her parents in court made her stomach churn.

Lena's parents had demanded that Lena return to their house, but she firmly decided to stay with Tito George and her family. She found a job as a designer at a local clothing company. Every Saturday morning, she would volunteer at a non-profit maternity home and nursery. Then the afternoon would be spent on baking classes at Manggalore.

Lena sighed and looked at the red, orange, and yellow sky. It was a beautiful sunset, and Nico would get to see sunsets like this on the hill where he rested. She sighed again and then squatted in front of the headstone.

If only we had met much earlier, she thought.

Then she stood up, cast one more glance at the now darkening sky, and then turned and walked back toward the cemetery entrance. A lone firefly alighted on Nico's headstone, as if it was watching Lena's receding figure. Moments passed and then it flew up into the night and disappeared among the twinkling lights.

As Lena opened the car, she suddenly felt a comfortably warm breeze. She looked up and noticed that the colorful sunset had been replaced by a sparkling vista. She turned her head toward the cemetery.

I hope you're enjoying your night skies too, she whispered in her head as she gazed into the starlit darkness.

Then she turned back and climbed behind the wheel of her car. She played her sister's favorite French song and then started the engine. She drove and hummed along.

When she pulled into the driveway, she heard laughter from inside the house.

Yes, she thought, from now on, let's have no regrets.

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