Chapter 5: Meeting Anna, Bianca, and Their Sisters

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It had been a week since Lena started her part-time job at Hugs to Mama. Work was not hectic but it challenged her creativity, which she truly appreciated. And it had become a routine for her to start her weekday with a visit to a nearby gym. She would then return home, shower, get changed, and drive to one of the food shops for a filling breakfast before heading to work.

She shared the design department with two other graphic designers, Anna and Bianca, who also worked under contract. On her first day, they had treated her to a sumptuous lunch at an Italian restaurant.

On Friday, Anna and Bianca invited Lena to have lunch with them and their sisters. They met on the first floor, inside the store. As soon as the sisters saw Anna and Bianca, they jumped excitedly.

"Stop!" Anna nearly yelled. "Have you both forgotten you're pregnant?"

Bianca made an obvious effort to stifle her laughter. Nearly choking, she introduced Lena to Maya, her two-month-pregnant sister. Then she introduced Cathy, Anna's sister, who was seven months pregnant. Both women appeared to be in their mid-twenties.

After the perfunctory comments on the weather, the group of five headed to a Filipino restaurant in a leisurely stroll in the shaded walkway. The restaurant was at the end of the block, and it took them only five minutes to reach it.

When they arrived, the guard politely welcomed them. Inside, the receptionist led them directly to a corner table by a large picture window. A server brought them each a tablet and then patiently waited nearby. After a few minutes, Anna called the server and gave him their order.

As they waited, Maya and Cathy chatted with Lena.

"So how have you been finding the town so far?" asked Maya.

"It's been great," Lena replied. "I love, love the food." Unconsciously, she clasped her hands and smiled from ear to ear.

"Told you it's the food," Cathy told Anna. "It's the biggest draw, pregnant or not."

"Yeah," Maya agreed. "You'll never go hungry in this town. Even the street foods are—" She made a smacking sound with her lips and tips of her fingers.

Anna rolled her eyes.

"But remember, the doctor said you need to manage your weight," Bianca told her sister.

"Of course, sis," Maya assured her. "Big watermelons are not fun to carry for long periods of time."

"Whaaat?" Anna asked.

Just then servers began arriving with their orders.

"Never mind," Maya replied a bit petulantly.

When the servers left, the table was like a feast—sinigang na bangus, nilagang manok, kalderetang baka, ginataang monggo, chop suey, pinakbet, steamed kangkong with bagoong, and ensaladang mangga. Lena's eyes were bulging by the time the procession of food was over.

"Anyway," Cathy resumed the conversation, "who's your foster?"

"My what?"

"It seems like she doesn't have one yet," Bianca guessed.

Just then Maya's stomach grumbled.

"Eat now, talk later," Maya demanded.

And they did.

Most of the food was devoured by the two pregnant women as Lena, Anna, and Bianca watched with open amazement. Every now and then, Anna would nag them about chewing their food more slowly and pacing themselves and many, many other things. At one point, she even threatened to give their obstetricians a call.

As they finished their dessert of buko pandan (and Anna had insisted on having that alone), Cathy once again asked Lena who her foster was.

"Uh, I don't have one," she answered. "I think I'm not yet capable of taking care of a child."

Maya and Cathy looked at each other. Then they laughed. Lena was confused.

"But the fosters are not children," Maya finally told her after getting her giggles under control.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm Ate Anna's foster sister. Maya is Ate Bianca's," Cathy explained.

"What do you mean?" Lena was still confused.

"The fosters are pregnant women," Anna said at last.

"Excuse me?" Lena said once more.

Cathy explained further.

"Ate Anna fostered me when I was two months pregnant, while Ate Bianca fostered Maya when she was already five months."

"The fosters are pregnant women who had been abandoned by their family," Anna added.

Maya and Cathy nodded vigorously. Anna continued.

"This town is a haven for abandoned pregnant women. Here they are given support by a foster family and their neighborhood."

While Anna was explaining, Lena received a text message. It was from Bianca, advising her not to ask about the reason or reasons for their abandonment because they were sensitive topics. Lena sent an okay hand emoji in response.

"Oh . . . okay," she just told Anna since she was afraid of accidentally asking something she shouldn't.

"You sound awkward," Cathy pointed out.

"I want a second desert," Maya demanded.

Anna rolled her eyes.

"Later," she said firmly. "Let's walk off our lunch first . . . and then maybe we'll go to an ice cream parlor.

"Yey!" Maya and Cathy cheered.

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