Chapter 15: Preparing for a Baby Shower

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"Why didn't you tell me?"

Lena was watching her sister read the baby shower packages that their grandmother had given them. They were having a late breakfast on the patio. Her sister was almost finished with her spinach frittata as well as her mango and wheat germ smoothie, while Lena had barely touched her stack of blueberry pancakes. She just took small sips of her orange juice.

"Why didn't I tell you what?" Ate Lea asked.

"That first time we met—at the hotel. Why didn't you tell me who you were?"

Ate Lea knitted her brows. Then she neatly arranged the folders in front of her before replying to Lena.

"What do you mean? Like 'Hi, Lena. I'm your dead sister. I came all the way from the afterworld to check up on you.' Like that?" She shook her head and smiled ruefully. " You would have either thought me crazy or suffered a heart attack."

Lena frowned. She then closed her eyes and sighed deeply. When she opened her eyes, a craft folder was hovering within centimeters from her face.

"I want this," her sister's voice was booming from behind the folder.

Lena snatched the folder and opened it.

"You want a dollhouse-themed baby shower?"

"Yeah. Read it," Lena's sister ordered.

And Lena did. Her eyes grew big. And as she read the succeeding pages, her eyes seemed to grow bigger and bigger.

"Is this for real?" she asked.

"What is 'real'?" her sister countered.

Lena pouted.

"I don't want to philosophize, Ate."

"So tell Lola already, so she can make the preparations."

"You're enjoying this," Lena stated.

"Why shouldn't I? My only sister is helping with my baby shower. Of course I'm enjoying this."

Lena pouted again. Then she became serious. She turned to the chair next to her and looked straight into her sister's eyes.

"Will I see you again?"

"You will," her sister answered with certainty. "But I'd rather that it's later than sooner." She reached for Lena's hands and squeezed them. "No rush, okay?"

Lena pouted yet again. Her sister cupped her face so she could look directly into Lena's eyes.

"I mean it. No rush," she said, pleadingly.

Lena nodded with obvious reluctance. Her eyes started to well up. Her sister hugged her tightly, alternately rubbing and tapping her back.

Just then Lena's cell phone rang. It was their grandmother. She asked about the theme they had chosen for the baby shower. She wasn't in the least bit surprised when Lena informed her of her sister's choice. She then hung up after making a kissing sound.

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