Chapter 10: Celebrating Sisters

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The Office for Fosters took care of moving Lea's stuff to the Ramos house. Lena had been meaning to apply for a leave to oversee the move, but Mrs. Amparo assured her that the movers were experts and would take care of everything.

When Lena's colleagues found out that she had just fostered someone, they held a celebratory afternoon tea party at the office rooftop. It was then that Lena realized that all the staff members, even the executive officers, had a foster. Lea was happy to see the other fosters, some of whom she had already met while she had been staying at the hotel.

As usual, the food and drink were superb! Lena was only somewhat surprised when Anna revealed that it was Nico's restaurant that was catering the party. And it was the same Filipino restaurant that she, Ana, Bianca, and their fosters had gone to weeks ago. Lena saw Nico giving instructions to a couple of servers before talking to someone on his phone.

"Nico's gorgeous, isn't he?" someone whispered from behind. It was Lea. She was nibbling on a piece of carrot.

"W-what?" was all she could say. She nearly spilled her smoothie.

"Yes, he is!" someone else whispered. It was Cathy. "He catered Alyssa's baby shower. He made this amazing seven-tiered cake that was Eric Carle inspired. You know, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It was too beautiful to eat!" Cathy nearly shrieked at the memory of the colorful butterfly-topped confection.

"What?" Lena said again.

Someone had sighed. It was Maya.

"Oh, come on, Lena. Don't you know him?"

"Uh, I do," Lena answered. "He's a neighbor. He lives about four, maybe five houses from mine."

"Lucky you!" Cathy said.

Maya burped. Bianca, who was having a hard time picking foods at the buffet table, rushed to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked with evident concern. "Did you stuff yourself again?"

Maya glared at her.

"I'm pregnant! I'm eating for two!" she stated mildly defensively.

"Okay, okay!" Bianca held up her hands. "Take it easy, sis."

Maya pouted like a petulant child. Then she grabbed Bianca's arms and demanded to be brought to the ladies' room. As they disappeared, Cathy sighed and shook her head.

"I remember when I was temperamental during my first trimester," she said.

"Yeah, those were the days," Anna commented dryly as she approached with a plate of assorted mini steamed rice cakes. She was holding some forks in her other hand.

Cathy stuck out her tongue at her. Anna stuck out her tongue right back. Then as Lena, Lea, Anna, and Cathy were deciding which of the rice cakes to pick, Nico walked up to them. Lea was the first to notice him.

"Hi, Nico!" she greeted him. "Thanks for all this wonderful food."

"Yeah, wonderful!" Cathy agreed while nibbling on a purple rice cake. "This really tastes like blueberry."

"And this one tastes like orange," Anna said after swallowing a small piece of an orange rice cake.

Nico smiled.

"I'm glad you like it," he told Lea, Cathy, and Anna. Then he turned to Lena. "Hi, Lena," he said. "Congratulations on being a foster sister."

"Uh, thank you," she replied.

Then they heard clinking. It was Ms. Reyes. She was calling the attention of the party attendees.

"Don't worry. I'll be quick," she assured the audience. "I know how spectacularly delicious the food is. Thanks, Nico!"

Yeahs and claps were heard all around.

"Anyway, we're here to congratulate Lena and Lea on becoming sisters. Congratulations, Lena and Lea!" She raised her glass of strawberry milkshake.

Other people on the beautifully decorated rooftop faced Lena and Lea and raised their glasses or cups or plates.

Lena shyly did a curtsey while Ate Lea mouthed to her that she couldn't do that and instead placed her hands, one over the other, at the center of her chest.

Everyone once more raised whatever it was in their hands and then brought their attention back to the makeshift stage, only to be told by Ms. Reyes to continue enjoying their afternoon tea.

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