Chapter 12: Exploring the Tunnel

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"You really are sisters," Bianca told Lena when they were having lunch after work. "You both have iron-deficiency anemia. What are the odds?"

"You make it sound like it's a good thing," Lena pointed out. "And iron-deficiency anemia is actually a lot more common than you think."

"Spoilsport!" Bianca accused.


Anna looked at Bianca with an eyebrow raised. Bianca rolled her eyes and then took a bite of her chicken satay. It was the three's first attempt at Thai cuisine. And they liked it.

"Anyway, did the doctor say anything else?" Anna asked.

"No. Iron supplements and foods rich in vitamin C as well. That's it."

"It's a good thing that it's mild," Anna commented. "What about Lea?"

"Oh, she's doing far better than me, thank goodness," Lena replied. "She's very healthy. Her obstetrician is so nice. But I can't imagine how heavy Lea must feel."

"I know," Anna and Bianca said at the same time. "Jinx!"

Then Lena turned pensive for a while before speaking again..

"I'm really glad that I fostered Lea. I like having a sister."

"I know," Anna and Bianca once again said at the same time. "Jinx!"

"My only regret is that I only have one month with her. Well, make that two weeks."

"So when's the baby shower? Next week?" Bianca asked. "It's better to have it sooner than later. She might pop any time now."

"True," Anna said.

Lena started to panic.

"Next week? But I don't even know where to start."

"Go to the FFP website," Anna advised. "They have a guide there and a list of baby shower packages. But first ask Lea when exactly she wants to have her party."

"Is it even feasible to prepare her shower in such a ridiculously short time?"

"Don't worry," Anna assured her. "They're experts."

The three finished their lunch and then went their separate ways. Anna was picking up Cathy at her favorite salon while Bianca was going shopping with Maya.

Just as Lena was about to start her car, she received a message. It was from Mrs. Amparo, asking if Lena could drop by the FFP office. Before replying, Lena called up Lea to tell her about the unscheduled visit to the town hall. Lea was all right with it since she had planned to sleep away the entire afternoon. Lena told her that she was only a text away and that she shouldn't hesitate to call or text her for anything.

So Lena headed straight to the town hall. After parking, she stood in awe again at the grand hotel. Then she remembered that she had wanted to explore the connecting tunnel, especially the garden in the hotel end.

After entering the lobby, Lena took the stairs to the second floor. She then quickly walked to the front of the FFP office and gently knocked on the door. The door opened and George appeared. With his usual posh politeness, he invited Lena inside. Mrs. Amparo was sitting in one of the armchairs and had obviously been waiting for her. Lena noticed a stack of craft folders on the coffee table. Beside it was a tray of ginger tea and profiteroles.

"Hi, Lena," Mrs. Amparo greeted her. "I'm glad you could come on such short notice."

"No problem, ma'am. In fact, I was intending to call you to ask about baby shower packages."

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