Chapter 10

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Aj Lee's POV
I was wondering if Emma had gone with Nikki and Brie. I couldn't take my mind off Brie.

The party was in three days. I needed to go shopping. Emma wasn't here.

I guess i will go alone then. I got dressed and left. As i was walking towards the parking lot.

I saw Nikki i pretended i didn't see her. I was walking quickly. "Hi Aj." Nikki greeted.

"Hey Niks what's up?" I said give her a smile. "Nothing... oh by the way thank you for inviting me to your party." Nikki said.

"No problem." I answered. "Where you heading to." Nikki asked. Ok this was weird to me.

"I was going to buy a dress for the party." I told her. "Wanna come?" I asked Nikki.

I asked Nikki because i didn't want to be rude. "Sure I'll love to." Nikki said taking out her phone.

"Ok well wanna go in my car or yours." Nikki asked. "Umm whatever makes you comfortable." I told Nikki.

"Well let's go in yours i have some of mine and John's clothes." She said putting her phone back in her purse.

We when to my rental and left the hotel. The ride was silent. Nikki was on her phone.

I pulled into a empty parking lot. "Hey do you know any good stores?" I asked Nikki.

"Umm well we can go to 'Paris Davin' it's a really pretty shop. Nikki said.

"Ok then let's go." I left the empty parking lot and left to the store Nikki said.

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