Another A

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Zero: Well. The time is here. I'm 19 now. Yay. I'm sure you can feel my enthusiasm.

Well. Let's get this show on the road~ Question time. Once again, got so many fucking characters in the lobby, like jeez, I was expecting there to be questions but one of you really went and abused the "Ask more than one" option. Ya know who you are you content slut.

Anyway, here we go. We'll start with the "Chaos & Harmony" cast.

Q: "Subaru. Zero shares a name with you, when are you going to ask your brother for help Subaru?"

Zero: Right, time to drag out the first one! Subaru!

Subaru: Present!

Zero: Cue card! Question, answer, go!

Subaru: *Skims the cue card* Wait.... You have the same name as me?

Zero: Natsuki is a family name I chose on a whim. Although I do know another version of you in another world, let's not get into that.

Subaru: Another version of me?... I'm so confused.

Zero: Good.


Q: "Emilia. What do you think of (Y/N)?"

Zero: Emilia?

Emilia: Thank you for having me here, Zero-san~.

Zero: No problem. Wonderful to have you here. So?

Emilia: What do I think of (Y/N), hmm?... Well. He's one of my treasured friends. Just like Subaru, he's done so much for me, when he didn't have to. There were times where I saw a distant look in his eyes, a sadness that I feel I recognise. Thankfully, just like I have Puck, he has Quinella-san by his side to help him through those tough times. I can tell that they've been through thick and thin together.

He gets along really well with the kids from the village, from his interactions with everyone, I strongly believe him to have had a gentle soul his whole life. Although I don't know much about his or Subaru's past, I'm certain of at least that much.

I can't thank him enough for what he's done for me, but something tells me he wouldn't want me to get overly concerned with things like repayment. (Y/N)'s the type to do a good deed just because he can, and I think that's one of his best traits. It's something I admire about him.

Zero: How sweet~. Can always count on you for the wholesome response. Time for the next person.


Q: "Elsa, I know I already asked you this but will you marry me?"

Zero: *Lowers cue card* Hahaha... What do you think, Elsa?

Elsa: Arara~ This question again, is it? I seem to remember such a question being asked last year.

Zero: Mm.

Elsa: I do find it funny that the same Question has come up, Zero-san, is this some sort of indirect message?

Zero:.. No... Trust me. Like before I'm quoting them directly. Someone actually asked this. But again... You don't know them, but the know you.

Elsa: Well. I don't really believe marriage is something I need to consider right now, I'd rather not be tied down. I'd have to answer with no, my apologies~.

Zero: Uh huh.... I coulda seen that one coming. But hey, sometimes it's worth a shot.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 & 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘺 (Re: Zero X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now