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Reckless & Relentless- Asking Alexandria

It was hard to believe they'd just gotten off stage an hour ago, it felt as though it had been at least five hours. Some of the men even had remnants of black paint still on their hands and necks, just subtle smudges they didn't feel like intensely scrubbing.

A mix of metal genres played on a bluetooth speaker nearby, becoming background noise that also served as a talking point. They all sat around the table in the hotel room and were about to start a game of quarters. Bottles of Jameson, Kraken Gin, and Jagermeister sat in the middle of the table. Everyone had their own drink, whether it be a beer or something else to serve as a chaser. It was very clear these boys were trying to unwind and loosen up.

Freya, who'd already been tipsy on the way to the hotel, was having a hard time understanding the rules of the game. Camren sat next to her, patient as ever, going over the rules once more. Eve noticed he spoke with his hands a lot.

Freya nodded softly as he spoke, "Okay, so, we fill the shot glass. You take the quarter in your hand, and try to bounce it off the table into the shot glass. You get one free chance to do this. You can try again if you miss the first time, or you can pass it off to the person next to you. But if you miss on that second try, you have to take the shot. If you get the quarter in on the first OR second time, you get to pick who takes the shot."

"Babe, we've played this before," Eve teased her friend jokingly.

Freya laughed, throwing her hands up. "I don't remember! But I think I can play now."

The shot glass danced in circles around the table. The boys all took their first quarter bounce very seriously. Some were making the shot on the first try and forcing another man to take it, which he happily did. Freya was becoming louder and louder, which made Eve smile. She deserved this, after being put through hell the past few months. She was glad her friend was able to finally meet her blood cousin in person after all these years.

That cousin.

Blue eyes beckoned to her from across the table. She felt it the entire night so far. Eve didn't know why she felt so.. intimidated by him. It was obvious he was receiving her well, but she couldn't shake the odd feeling. Maybe she was scared of getting rejected? No, that obviously wouldn't happen and she knew it. Maybe he would just use her? Her brain racked trying to pinpoint the feeling.

Agh, it was her turn again, Liam pushing the shot of Jager in front of her. He played it safe that time, which was surprising coming from him. He had a "do now, regret it later" mentality the entire game so far.

"Your turn, luv!"

A chuckle left Aron.

"I'd like to see you actually play now, Eve. You've been holding out on us, and you clearly have to catch up" he made a small circular motion around the table.

The others laughed, a wide smirk appeared on his face. It reminded Eve of the Cheshire cat. So sly, so charismatic. He clearly enjoyed humiliating her.

She decided in that split second, to give him exactly what he wouldn't be expecting. To throw him off. She quickly grabbed the bottle of Jameson in front of her, lifted it to her lips, and began to chug while keeping eye contact with Aron.

She could see arousal increase in his eyes. The Jameson felt like fire the entire way down, the taste of Irish Whiskey on her tongue. After a slow, 5 second chug of straight liquor, she set it back down. Everyone had a look of surprise on their face. Desmond stiffened in his seat. Freya grinned ear to ear. Camren looked thoroughly impressed.

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