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Coming Down- Amira Elfeky

She gasped, but no air left her lungs.

"Will you.. be ours..?"

The words echoed in her mind, rang like a bell in a cavernous chamber.



And, what a funny question. It was one she'd never been asked before in her entire life, that was for sure. It was also one she never expected her brain to have to formulate an answer to. Her brain weighed all of the effects of both "yes" and "no". They looked at her with eyes of equal parts anticipation and nervousness.

Yet, it was the easiest answer she could muster. While her mind flew into creating a pros and cons list, her heart knew the answer right away. It slipped from her mouth.


Desmond and Aron's faces cracked into smiles from ear to ear. The sight was so beautiful it almost frightened her, the pulse in her veins quickening. They grinned as if they'd won the lottery, the two monsters completely untraceable in the dim glow of the lamp.

"You won't regret this," Aron said with a warm glint in his eyes.

"No," Desmond nodded. She knew they both wanted to embrace her, but fought the awkwardness of doing it at the same time. So they held back, watching her with eyes of devotion and warmth.

"Well, I hate for us to leave you so soon, but you need to get some rest. You're mentally exhausted," Desmond said.

Her brows scrunched as opened her mouth in protest. She didn't want them to leave. Not at all. Aron cut her off with his brows raised.

"Ah ah."

She frowned at him.

"Trying to argue with us is a moot point, love."

She pouted, pushing her lower lip forward to really sell it. It was no longer just one man to win over when she wanted her way, now it was two. A new plan of action popped into her mind. She'd try a new approach.

Eve softened her eyes and looked up at both men as they stood from the couch. Her eyes wandered over Aron's hands in the dim yellow light, veins bulging from beneath the skin's surface.

Okay.. I'll play sweet.

"Alright.. I'll go to bed, fine. Can you take me?"

She batted her eyelashes and hoped it wasn't too obvious what she was doing. Desmond nodded gently, always willing to fulfill her needs.

"Of course."

He picked her up by the waist, flinging her over his shoulder. She gasped loudly and exclaimed out loud as he walked down the hallway to her room. Her arms dangled down his back and she locked eyes with Aron who followed them both with a smirk. Aron could clearly read her mischief a bit better than Desmond could. Her heart leapt to her throat as they entered her room and she realized what this meant- all three of them near her bed.

Desmond set her down softly at the edge of the bed and gave her a sweet parting kiss on the forehead. She was seated, while him and Aron were both standing. Bad thoughts corrupted her. It was useless to ignore her desires. She wanted both of them.. now. She was seated so close to both belts... at a lower level than them.. she could just reach out and...

She looked up at Desmond with puppy dog eyes, not verbalizing anything, but he picked up on her thoughts anyways. A kiss on the forehead, sure. But a kiss on the lips.. even better.

Aron walked over beside her and grabbed her hand, making this the first contact they'd had all night. Aron's fingers intertwined with hers as Desmond placed both of his hands on Eve's shoulders and leaned down to give her a soft kiss. As Desmond's lips melted against Eve's, Aron brought her hand to his face and brushed his lips against her flesh. It was softer than a whisper, but enough to send a spark to Eve's core, igniting her cravings even more. She kissed Desmond back hard, running her tongue against his lower lip in a very clear demand. Her free hand reached around behind his ear, lacing her fingers in his hair.

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