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"I want to do something.. spooky," Aron said.

The group sat in the living room, a horror movie on the large TV. The room was pitch black aside from the light casting from the television. The guys sat sprawled on the living room furniture, Eve and Freya laid cuddled under a blanket together.

"What is it with you and 'spooky'?" Desmond quoted with his fingers, "You're literally dead."

"Yeah and?"

"And, just go eat a human and get it over with."

"No, I mean like.. adventurous."

"That's not adventurous?"

"No, I-" Aron made a loud noise of frustration. "You know what I mean! Something fun!"

"Have any of you been Urban Exploring?" Eve asked.

"Exploring abandoned places?" Liam questioned.

"Yeah. There's an abandoned hospital about 20 miles away. It's really far out in the country. But it's been there for years and they're just not demolishing it. It's been abandoned for a really long time." She answered.

Aron's eyes lit up at this.

"Yes. That's what I'm talking about. Let's go."

"This sounds like a bad idea.. I'm in," Liam said.

After a bit of convincing, Desmond and Camren reluctantly followed suit. They piled into cars and made their way to this hospital.

It was in the neighboring county, on the crest of a large metropolitan city. The dark engulfed the car, swallowing them all whole. The vast countryside around them was an ocean of darkness. Stars poked through, glimmering and dancing. They were bright out here, away from the city lights and haze.

Due to heavy instructions from Freya, they parked a good 10 minutes away on a stray dirt road. Freya was concerned about police presence, while the men around her laughed.

"That's a good one," Desmond said. You'd think she'd said she was concerned about chihuahuas.

They left the car, making sure to lock it. Camren scooped Freya on his back, Eve was on Aron's, and they quickly sped to the building.

It loomed over them, towering at a huge height. The old red brick had started to crumble, weeds and ivy had overtaken the sides. The glass in the windows had been shattered, no doubt by a group of vandals.

"We have to go in through the back." Eve said. "Front door is chained shut."

"It's actually really cute that you guys think that could stop us," Liam said, laughing darkly.

They humored the girls, squeezing through the small makeshift entrance on the South side of the building. Once inside, they were plunged into darkness again until Eve activated the flashlight on her phone.

The building was still full of old medical equipment, patient forms, and cobwebs. Liam had a fun time putting on an "old-timey voice" and reading information from the papers while adjusting fake glasses.

The men had sparked discussion about old illnesses and diseases that no longer existed, or were now easily curable. They talked about the plague for quite a bit. This bored the girls to no end. Eve and Freya had wandered away from them, intrigued by each new room they entered. They knew the boys would find them easily when they wanted to.

Freya and Eve made their way onto the second floor, being extra careful not to break through any of the old steps. The stairs squeaked under their feet, making both of them nervous.

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